Want to Maximize the Visibility of Your Research? Kudos could be the Answer

There are nearly two million articles published each year, so how will you be able to make your paper stand out and visible to other researchers? With more research being undertaken and published, it is getting increasingly difficult for researchers, particularly for ESL authors, to find the target audience who will benefit from the studies they are publishing. So, the next time, while writing your research paper, consider asking yourself the following questions:

  • How do I ensure my research is visible to the right people?
  • As a non-native speaker of English how can I get my publication discovered by the rest of the academic community?
  • How do I explain my work directly to the audience and increase the impact of my research?

To help researchers, publishers, as well as institutions, Kudos has developed a platform that helps increase visibility and impact of research as well as identify the best platforms by which research is being communicated to the audience. Kudos is currently free for researchers and is actively entering into partnerships with various publishers and institutions to increase the reach and impact of scientific research. Through Kudos, researchers, along with institutions and publishers, can avail of the following:

  • create a profile page for a given publication and can, in plain language, describe their work and its importance
  • post links to their publications and add links to related studies
  • share related resources like relevant papers, citations, and blog posts via social media and links across discovery channels (i.e. search engines and subject links) to increase readership
  • track the effect of their actions against a wide range of metrics, which include downloads, citations and identify high-interest research


In October 2014, Kudos was awarded the Charleston Advisor’s Readers’ Choice Award for Best New End User Product.1 In September 2015, Kudos also won the Innovation in Publishing Award from the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers.2 Last month, panelists at the EuroScience Open Forum highlighted the usefulness of Kudos as a useful tool for early-career researchers. Recently, a study by the Altmetrics team at Nanyang Technological University showed that usage of Kudos correlates to 23% higher downloads of full text on publisher websites. In fact, over 100,000 researchers and 65 scholarly and scientific publishers have now signed up to Kudos by June 2016. Kudos’s primary objective is to give authors more “control” over the post-publication reach of their work.

To date, authors have been almost entirely dependent on their publishers to ensure their work gets found, read and cited. However, with technologies like Kudos, Altmetrics, ORCID, as well as platforms like Academic.edu and ResearchGate, there is now a gradual change in how authors can promote and share their research with a global audience.


  1. G. Machovec. From Your Managing Editor: Fourteenth Annual Readers’ Choice Awards. The Charleston Advisor. 16 (2): 3–10: http://dx.doi.org/10.5260/chara.16.2.3b.
  2. Innovation in Publishing Award: http://www.alpsp.org/write/MediaUploads/ALPSP_Awards_A5_4pp_lowres.pdf.

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