A Series of Interactive Webinars on Manuscript Submission and Successful Publishing

Session Agenda

Enago in collaboration with Universitas Brawijaya conducted interactive online sessions to help researchers prepare submission-ready manuscripts and successfully publish them in top-ranking international journals.

Publishing in high-impact, peer-reviewed journals are important for disseminating cutting-edge research and latest research findings and discoveries within the scientific researcher community. Further, it not only demonstrates the ability of the researchers to conduct scientifically grounded research successfully but also increases their recognition and credibility amongst peers. Through this comprehensive series of online sessions, we touched upon all the critical aspects of manuscript submission and publication.

Topic 1: Top 10 Tips for Successful Manuscript Submission

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Speaker: Dr. Despina Sanoudou

Manuscripts submitted have to undergo several stages of screening—technical, editorial, and peer review—before they finally get published. Unerring submission fulfilling journals’ submission requirements and successfully completing the submission process via online systems can itself be a daunting process. In this webinar, we will discuss some top tips for authors on how to avoid making incomplete and incorrect submissions to journals leading to immediate rejection and the importance of publication ethics.

Researchers will learn:

  • Identifying the right manuscript type and target journal
  • Pre-submission inquiries
  • Awareness of ethical guidelines that should be considered before submission
  • Submission methods and requirements
  • Information regarding online submission systems
  • Writing a cover letter to the editor-in-chief

Topic 2: Top 10 Tips for Avoiding Journal Rejection

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Speaker: Dr. Despina Sanoudou

Every researcher aims to publish their work in high impact peer-reviewed scientific journals. However, publishing research is no easy task, and manuscript rejection is a common occurrence in academic writing. Thus researchers need to ensure that their manuscripts are error-free and meet the high standards of publishing before submission to an impactful journal and consequently have a smooth publication journey. Through this session, we will help researchers improve their awareness about the peer review process on manuscript decisions and common errors made by early-career researchers leading to rejection. Finally, we will help authors understand reviewers’ comments and share practical tips to revise and timely resubmit their manuscript.

Researchers will learn:

  • Importance of good English writing skills—fluency, clarity, and readability
  • How to structure a research paper
  • Acknowledging sources properly
  • Importance of editing and proofreading
  • Identifying the right journal
  • Peer review process
  • How to address reviewer comments
  • How to make an effective appeal upon rejection

Topic 3: How to Handle Journal Rejection—Converting a Failure into an Opportunity!

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Speaker: Dr. Despina Sanoudou

In academic publishing, manuscript rejection by journals is a common occurrence, especially by high-quality journals with rejection rates as high as 60 – 80%. There could be several reasons for this including an insignificant research topic, weak hypothesis, poor methodology, and misconduct. Researchers should keep calm and not be disheartened upon rejection. Instead, they should take it as a learning opportunity and work towards rectifying their mistakes. This webinar is targeted toward researchers who are aware of the overall publication process but face difficulty in handling rejections from journals. We will discuss how researchers should have a positive approach to rejection such as ways to improve the manuscript based on reviewer comments and alternative routes to publication.

Researchers will learn:

  • Types of rejection: Desk rejection & Rejection post peer review
  • How to read a rejection letter and decide further course of action
  • How to deal with desk-rejections
  • Commonly cited reasons in rejection letters post peer review
  • Appeals and rebuttals
  • Effective tips for revising and resubmitting your manuscript

Who should attend this session?

  • Graduate students
  • Early-stage researchers
  • Doctoral students
  • Postdoctoral students
  • Established researchers

About the Speaker

Despina Sanoudou, Ph.D. (Cambridge), FACMG, Former Instructor at Harvard Medical School

An established researcher, public speaker, and published author, Dr. Sanoudou is an award-winning medical researcher with 181 publications in renowned medical/biomedical journals. The impact of her work is demonstrated by the 5190 citations that she has to her credit. She is also the recipient of more than 20 research grants. Dr. Sanoudou was a post-doctoral fellow as well as an instructor at Harvard Medical School. She has also worked as a coordinator for an international genomics/pharmacogenomics program and as a fellow with Genzyme and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. As a Publication and Training Consultant with Enago Academy, she conducts webinars and workshops to help researchers understand the nuances of academic writing and publishing. To date, Dr. Sanoudou has attended >200 national and international conferences as an invited speaker, served as a peer reviewer for 41 international journals, and chaired several seminars. She is also on the editorial board of multiple international scientific journals.

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