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Enago Academy Writer

Common Types of Plagiarism

Plagiarism, or passing someone else’s work as your own, is not a new phenomenon in research. It has gained greater attention with the advent of plagiarism check tools that have made it easier to…
. 3 mins read
Enago Academy Writer

Get Your Research Patented Now!

A patent is a form of intellectual property, which gives its owner the right to prevent other researchers from making, selling, using, and importing an invention for a specific period, usually twenty…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Quantitative Research Simplified

Quantitative research has a structured approach, it analyzes the data to define the relationship between the variables. It uses computational, statistical, and mathematical tools to develop results.…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Research Ethics Compliance

Science and research have made tremendous progress in the last century. Unfortunately, some of the studies conducted earlier were not governed by ethical norms and have caused significant loss and…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Decoding Qualitative Research

This checklist provides the researcher with an understanding of qualitative research. It helps the researcher through a qualitative research process by providing reminders or pointers for the research…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Precious Metals in Your Mobile Phones!

Have you wondered about the contents of the mobile phone? In this era where we entirely depend on mobile phones, it is intriguing to come across certain factors which contribute towards the making of…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Healthy Diet Can Help Combat Depression

Depression, along with anxiety disorders affects over 300 million people worldwide. They are termed as “common mental disorders”(CMDs)  due to their prevalence globally. Other than the standard…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Selecting a Good Research Topic

A lot of thought, time, and effort goes into selecting the right research topic. Selecting a good research topic is the first step towards carrying out a successful and impactful research study. A…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Engineers Design Placenta-on-a-Chip

Human placenta is responsible for providing oxygen and the other nutrients to the baby. But a team of engineers at Iowa State University have designed an artificial placenta that is available on a…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Drugs That Can Reverse Memory Loss

Alzheimers is a disease that has affected several, with no possible cure as of now. But researchers at Toronto’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) have discovered a drug that can actually…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Top 4 Tools for Keyword Selection

Keywords play an important role in making research discoverable. It helps researchers discover articles relevant to them on different search engines and platforms. It also helps authors to reach out…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Wireless Controlled Capsule!

We take capsules almost every time we fall sick. But once ingested, the mechanism of the capsule can’t be controlled. However, researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have come up…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

New Type of Bandages: E-bandages

The skin has the ability to heal on its own. But certain cuts and fractures do not get healed fast. The researchers of American Chemical Society have come up with a new type of bandage that can heal…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Tips to Effectively Present Your Work

Presenting your work is an important part of scientific communication and is very important for enhancing any researcher’s career prospects. For early-stage researchers, addressing a large audience…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Tips to Tackle Procrastination

You can end up wasting a lot of time procrastinating. Procrastination leads you to a vicious cycle of postponing or canceling things. Regular procrastination can hamper your progress and negatively…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Rules of Capitalization

Using too much capitalization or using it incorrectly can undermine, clutter, and confuse your writing and your reader. Follow the rules of capitalization mentioned in this info-graphic to ensure an…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

New Way to Block Brain Cancer

Cancer has been a threat widespread among humans since a long time and the threat is growing as a menace. The fluids present within the body are responsible for several mechanisms. However, in case of…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Time Management Tips for Researchers

As a researcher, time management is essential at every stage of your career. A researcher is expected to undertake several tasks such as carrying out experiments, writing reports, publishing papers,…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

DNA Tool Predicts Height & More

Who knew that your height could help predict the possible diseases that you may encounter at some point in your life? A group of scientists from Michigan State University have discovered a new DNA…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Tips to Write a Good Rebuttal Letter

A well-drafted rebuttal letter helps convince referees and editors that your paper is good and that it could be reconsidered for publication. Often, it is your last opportunity to emphasize the…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Incorrect Vs. Correct- Research Titles

When you are searching for a research study on a particular topic, you probably notice that articles with interesting, descriptive research titles draw a lot of attention. On the other hand, research…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Tips to Self-Edit Your Research Paper

Self-editing a manuscript means correcting your own writing after your initial (first) draft. Multiple drafts should be produced until the manuscript is in the best possible shape. In this smartshort,…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Top 10 Handy E-Tools for Researchers

As a researcher, are you busy meeting deadlines, multi-tasking, updating yourself with advances in your field, networking with peers, and bogged down with dozens of other related activities? You need…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Top 10 Tips for Peer Reviewers

Peer review is essential to ensure the quality of research that is published in academic journals. It ensures manuscript and journal quality and is, therefore, a crucial aspect of the publication…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

How to Use Units Correctly

Most research articles need units. When it comes to scientific writing, style guides ask authors to use unit symbols and discourage them from spelling out the actual unit (e.g., m instead of meter).…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Virtual Dog to Prevent Dog Bites

Dog bites are quite common, so are the chances of acquiring rabies, especially with such a high number of stray dogs roaming outside. In fact, a UK-based hospital recorded 6,740 dog bites in 2013…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Not All Ants Work Hard!

“Too many cooks spoil the broth.” We have come across this proverb on several instances. Well, this proverb is not only applicable to humans, but also to ants! According to a paper published recently…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

First Person Vs. Third Person

Not being able to write in third person is a common pain point among authors. In academic writing, generally third person is preferred over first person. Sentences written in first…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Young Salmons Leap to Remove Lice!

We love watching dolphins and whales leaping in the blue ocean. But do you know why they make such leaps? To catch their food and escape from predators perhaps? This is indeed true for adult fish and…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Who Vs. Whom

Researchers often get confused between the usage of “who” and “whom.” Both are pronouns but have slightly different meanings. When to use "Who" “Who” is generally used for the subject. See the…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Comprised Vs. Comprised of

Academic writing needs to be concise. Academic or scientific writing should not contain extra words and fancy expressions just to make it lengthy. Redundancy deteriorates the meaning of the…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Cheese Found Inside an Egyptian Pyramid

Many of us have enjoyed watching the movie The Mummy. It is indeed an epic Hollywood creation. But did we ever notice the cheese inside the tomb after it was opened in any of the scenes? Well, a study…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Discussion Vs. Conclusion

A well-organized manuscript generally follows the IMRaD (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion) format to convey the relevant information to the target audience. The concluding part of the…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Annex Vs. Appendix

Journals or funding organizations may require authors to submit supporting documents along with their manuscript or grant proposal. These supplemental documents fall under the “annex” or “appendix”…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

How to Make Popular Research Videos

Summarizing your research into an engaging and easy-to-understand video is an effective way of sharing/promoting research. Gaining popularity among academics and general public alike, these videos can…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Hedging in Academic Writing

Hedging is often used in academic writing to express uncertainty or indirectness in certain statements or findings. Authors can use certain keywords and phrases such as “possibly,” “indicate,”…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Everyday Vs. Every Day

Certain words we use in our manuscripts or daily communications spell the same but differ slightly in their meaning. For example, “everyday” is used interchangeably with “every day” quite…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Are You Suffering From iPad Neck?

In case you are suffering from consistent neck pain and you coincidentally use an iPad, there might be a correlation that you are not aware of. Researchers from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas,…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

More Vs. More than

There are two types of degrees when it comes to oral or written communication—comparative and superlative. When using the comparative degree (for doing comparisons), we know that it is necessary to…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Viruses, Beware of Viperin!

Scientists have always found diseases caused by viruses difficult to diagnose and treat. One of the major reasons is that the replication mechanism of viruses is difficult to control. Several…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

How Commas Can Save Lives

Not including commas can dramatically alter the meaning of sentences. Sometimes, using fewer commas can increase mortality rates, as evident from the two examples shared below. Catherine: “Let’s…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Compound Adjectives and Hyphens

When two or more words are used to describe the accompanying noun, the resulting compound adjective (a combination of two or more words) often gets hyphenated. In certain instances, not using a…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Between Vs. From

Some grammatical errors are quite common in academic writing. One such common error is the use of “between” and “to” in the same sentence (e.g., “between a to b”). This is a very common error that…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

A New Photosynthesis Mechanism

We have learnt about the mechanism of photosynthesis in our school days. Therefore, we are also aware of the two types of chlorophyll required during photosynthesis—chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b.…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

The Article “The”

We use articles a lot in sentences. Out of the three articles (“a,” “an,” and “the”), the most commonly (and incorrectly) used is the article “the.” This definitive article needs to be…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Kangaroo Rats: Not Extinct Anymore!

The San Quentin kangaroo rat was last seen 30 years ago. Therefore, it was considered to be ‘extinct.’ However, that turned out to be wrong. Researchers from the San Diego Natural History Museum and…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Mole Helps Detect Cancer

We all know about cancer taking away several lives every year. Besides having no vaccine for prevention, another reason to fear cancer is the diagnosis. Medical science fails to diagnose the disease…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Shy Prawns Eat More Food!

“How fast can you finish your food?” When this question was asked with respect to the animal kingdom, researchers named the crustaceans, but there is a twist in the story. Researchers at the…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Practical Tips on Research Promotion

Communicating research outcomes does not end with publishing a research paper. It is important to share key findings with the scientific community and general public using various engaging platforms.…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Fruit Flies and Their Taste in Music

Music has a different effect on all of us. But what about other living organisms? Do you think they can hear music? Scientists can anwer your question, at least for flies. Did you know that even flies…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Self-Archive in 5 Easy Steps

Self-archiving, also known as green open access, can help increase the visibility and impact of research. Researchers can self-archive pre-print or accepted versions of the manuscript in different…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Get a “New” Nose for Selfies!

Posting on social media is an essential part of our lives, and nothing can be more effective than photographs; to be more specific—smartphone selfies. But how often do people feel satisfied with the…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Creative Commons Licenses

Creative Commons licenses allow creative work to be shared and used fairly under appropriate copyright permissions. These license terms can apply to individuals as well as large…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Selecting Keywords for Your Manuscript

Keywords are important terms and concepts used by the scientific community to search for relevant published work. They help in enhancing the discoverability of the work on different search engines and…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Abstract Vs. Introduction

Abstract and introduction are important sections of your manuscript. These sections help readers assess the context and relevance of your published work. Therefore, it is important to draft clear and…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Detoxifying Blood With Nanorobots

We have several mechanisms inside the human body for detoxifying blood. However, researchers can never stop at discovering new methods to simplify a process. Hence, the engineers at the University of…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Regulate Your Sleep With Caffeine

You feel sleepy at work and sit with a coffee mug, hoping it will drive away the sleep. But how many times would you do this? Well, you can take the help of mathematics to regulate that. Researchers…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Unlike Dogs, Cats Love Sweets!

You might refrain from carbs, but your pet cat might not agree! Yes, you read that correctly. Researchers at Oregon State University have recently discovered that unlike humans, cats tend to go for…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

These Insects Beat the Heat With Foam!

How do you plan to beat the heat this summer? Well, some pests have different plans for this summer. They plan to produce foam that can insulate them from the heat! Recently, researchers from Brazil…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

U.S. Green Card Tips for Researchers

U.S. offers employment-based visas to outstanding researchers and people with extraordinary ability and achievements in their field. The three visa categories, viz. EB-1A, EB-1B, and EB2-NIW enable…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

How to Structure Manuscripts

A well-organized and a well-written manuscript is crucial for successful publication. Such manuscript is not only easy-to-understand but also catches reader’s attention. Journals usually recommend…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Research Ethics

You may have often heard the term “ethics”. For researchers, it is crucial to follow ethics not only when conducting research but also when publishing it. Various international institutions have…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Measuring the Impact of Your Research

Citation metrics provide a way to quantitatively measure the impact, quality, and significance of published research. These journal-level, author-level, and article-level metrics are considered to be…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Empirical Vs. Conceptual Research

According to ORI, research is defined as the process of discovering new knowledge. Using observations and scientific methods, researchers arrive at a hypothesis, test that hypothesis, and make a…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Irridescent Colors Confuse Insects!

Insect eyes have always been intriguing for the scientists. Their compound eyes and the vision associated have helped insects in their predatory lifestyle. However, researchers have recently…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

A 3D Printer for Producing Tissues

Tissues get ruptured every day. We solely depend on our body for their replacement with new tissues as only the human body can produce tissues. But researchers have even found a solution to that. The…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

The Brain-Gut Connection

When we are hungry, our gut sends signals to the brain and we eat food. Thus, the gut and brain might be related. Well, there may be more to the brain-gut connection. Researchers at Brigham and…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

An Egg a Day Keeps the Cardiologist Away!

We all know the proverb “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” However, researchers in China and UK have made a slight modification to the proverb, by replacing “apple” with “egg” and specifying the…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Decoding the Peer Review Process

Peer review plays a significant role in the publication of a manuscript. Peer review constantly undergoes changes based on the latest trends and happenings in the publishing industry.  Given the…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Clinical Trials: The Fundamentals

Clinical trials are an important part of medical research and these investigations help determine how new treatments will work in human patients and also in collecting valuable data about the effects…
. 2 mins read
Enago Academy Writer

An Overview Into Peer Review Process

Peer review is the most sought after process in the publishing industry. Getting your work validated from the experts in your field enhances the quality of your work. The originality of articles for…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

How to Ace Your PhD Viva Voce

It is your Ph.D. viva voce! Years of your research work has to be presented in a short duration. Are you in a dilemma, how to go about it? It is a nerve-racking experience to present your research…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

Top 10 Tips for Peer Reviewers

Peer review is essential to ensure the quality of research that is published in academic journals. It ensures manuscript and journal quality and is, therefore, a crucial aspect of the publication…
. < 1 min read
Enago Academy Writer

SCImago Journal Rank: An Overview

Publishing in high-impact and high-quality peer-reviewed journals not only helps researchers advance their careers, but also increases the visibility of their work and the odds of it getting cited.…
. < 1 min read

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  • Insights on journal review process
  • Retraction of articles and how authors should handle it
Duncan Nicholas

President of the EASE, Development Editor of Reproductive BioMedicine Online Journal

James Wicker

Editor and Researcher at the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences

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Chair & Professor, Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology, Peking University Health Science Center

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