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A Guidelines on How to write research manuscript formatting

A Guidelines on How to write research manuscript formatting

While it’s common to think that you’re finished with your article once the research and writing are complete, there’s another important step you need to finish before submission: manuscript formatting. Manuscript formatting is the process of preparing your manuscript for reading. The research manuscript formatting process includes selecting, applying, and adjusting font, font size, spacing, page numbers, and figure and table formatting, to name a few. But is manuscript formatting really that important? Yes it is! We are going to tell you why, as well as everything you need to know to do it properly.

Journal Manuscript Format Technical Guidelines

While a lot of writers treat manuscript formatting as an afterthought, in fact it is an extremely important part of how your work is presented. Manuscript formatting is one of those things that most people don’t notice until it isn’t standard. Have you ever read an article where the font size and style changed throughout, seemingly random words were presented in italic or bold, or spacing was inconsistent? Font size and style tell us what information is important and how it relates to other information around it. Spacing and typeface make a research manuscript easy or difficult to read. In other words, research manuscript formatting is an important determinant of whether your manuscript is published and read by the people you are writing it for.

Because research manuscript formatting is so important, the majority of reputable academic journals publish manuscript formatting guidelines for authors who wish to submit a journal article. Research manuscript formatting guidelines vary somewhat by region and discipline, but journal guidelines for English research manuscript formatting have some common aspects. Typical English journal manuscript format stipulates that authors:

● Use 12-point type
● Use one-inch margins
● Use a serif font (the most common choice is Times New Roman)
● Double space the manuscript
● Indent each paragraph 
● Use black text on a white background 
● Use left or justified alignment

However, as each journal has its own specifications for manuscript formatting, you absolutely must read the journal guidelines before you submit.

Journal Manuscript Format Structure Guidelines

In addition to technical aspects like font size, style, spacing, alignment, and style, journal manuscript formatting also dictates overall manuscript structure. It’s true that both research and scientific manuscript formatting have standard structures (introduction, literature review, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, references). In addition, journal manuscript format guidelines dictate how and whether to include sections like:
● A title page
● Appendices
● Tables and figures as a separate section
● Raw data
● Disclosure of conflicts of interest
● Footnotes and endnotes

Journal manuscript format guidelines also stipulate the minimum and maximum word count, length of the title and abstract, and acceptable document format. Most English journal manuscript formats require submitting a .doc or .docx file format.

Common Research Manuscript Formatting Mistakes to Avoid

Proper manuscript formatting requires time and attention to detail. Scientific manuscript formatting can be particularly tricky. When formatting your research manuscript, you’ll want to avoid these common mistakes:

Not checking the journal guidelines – each journal has different guidelines. You need to tailor your scientific manuscript formatting to meet the specific journal manuscript format of the place you are submitting your work.

Getting sloppy with spacing – does it really matter if there’s one space between paragraphs and headings or two? The answer is yes, and both the journal reviewer and the readers are going to notice if your spacing is inconsistent.

Not double-checking table and figure formatting – when working on manuscript formatting, tables and figures must meet specific requirements laid out by the journal. Sometimes they should be listed in the back in a separate appendix, and other times there are limits on the size and scope. Always make sure your manuscript formatting has proper tables and figures.

Not formatting references correctly – references are especially tricky to get right with scientific manuscript formatting because the proper format can differ according to citation style as well as the journal manuscript format. Make sure you are correctly using endnotes or footnotes and adhering to the designated citation style when engaging in scientific manuscript formatting.

Need Help with Scientific Manuscript Formatting? Ask Manuscript Formatting Services

The truth is, proper research manuscript formatting – especially scientific manuscript formatting – is challenging even for experienced academics and writers. That’s why many turn to professional scientific manuscript formatting services. Professional manuscript formatting services are helpful because they often have a roster of expert academics that are familiar with both scientific manuscript formatting and journal requirements. These services will charge you a nominal fee to review your research manuscript and apply the correct formatting so that you meet all of the journal manuscript formatting requirements. If you aren’t certain you’ll be able to properly do your scientific manuscript formatting yourself, professional manuscript formatting services are the right answer. It’s not uncommon for journals to reject manuscripts that don’t meet their formatting guidelines without even reading them, so increase your chances of getting published by using a professional scientific manuscript formatting service today!



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