All material in this document is the intellectual property of Crimson Interactive Pvt. Ltd. The use of informationand content in this document in whole or in part is forbidden unless express permission has been given inwriting by Crimson Interactive Pvt. | | | | | | | | www.enago.ruA 32-year-old man presented with a history of intermittent headaches. On eExaminationrevealed normal, visual acuity was normal and no neurological deficit was seen. MagneticBrain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scan was performed for further evaluationand revealed a well-defined, curvilinear T1- and T2- hyperintense lesion (measuring 1.2 × 0.4cm) in the superior half of the cerebellar vermis. It that appeared hypointense on T1 fat-saturated images, suggestive of fat content (Ffigure 1). No evidence of any mass effect orhydrocephalus was seenobserved. These findings were suggestive of vermian lipoma.Superior vermian hypoplasia was also detected, ; but however, the corpus callosum wasnormal. No other abnormality was seen observed on the brain MRI brain scan. Intracraniallipomas represent a congenital malformations resulting from with the abnormaldifferentiation of the meninx primitiva. Most intracranial lipomas are found detectedincidentally, as was the case in with our patient. In symptomatic cases, headache andpsychomotor retardation are common complaints. Seizures reported in cases patients with ofintracranial lipomas appear secondary to the associated anomalies. The pericallosal region aswell as the quadrigeminal and suprasellar cisterns is are the common locations for intracraniallipomas. Vermian lipomas are rare, with only a few cases in the literature containing only afew such cases. The morphological variants of intracranial lipomas are the tubulonodular andcurvilinear varieties. Intracranial lipomas reveal homogeneous fat density (−-60 to −-120HU) on plain CT scan and may contain calcific foci within, especially particularly in thetubulonodular variety. Intracranial lipomas display T1- and T2- hyperintense signals withsuppression on fat-saturated images. The associated anomalies are better demonstratedonrevealed by MRI and include dysgenesis of the corpus callosum and vascular anomalieslike such as aneurysms. Surgical excision is not required in most cases.Comment [A1]: The hyphen (-) connects twothings that are closely related [usually words thatfunction together as a single concept or worktogether as a joint modifier (compound adjectives)].For example, a three-page document (a documentcomprising three pages).Comment [A2]: Spaces are generally insertedbefore and after arithmetic symbols.Comment [A3]: The minus sign (−) is generallyused instead of a hyphen (-) to denote a negativevalue.