Webinars anteriores
Reading Time: 3 minutes
- Elegir entre subvenciones y becas de investigación
- Identificación de los organismos de financiación
- Selección de la convocatoria de solicitudes
- Escribir una propuesta de investigación impactante
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Envío de datos complementarios
- Requisitos para el material complementario
- Consejos para presentar y citar
- Instrucciones para los autores
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Escenario actual de las publicaciones científicas
- Consejos para sustentar su investigación
- Manteniéndo los estándares éticos
- Iniciativa de Revisión Rápida COVID-19
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Propósito de cada sección
- Elementos clave de cada sección
- Errores comunes a evitar al escribir
- Consejos de escritura
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Consejos para redactar un abstract
- Tipos de abstracts
- Uso de palabras clave
- Errores comunes
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Acknowledging the sources
- Significance of research promotion
- Strategies to boost citations
- Impact of promotional strategies
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Improving research data quality
- Research data management
- Principles of data sharing and reuse
- Role of AI in data management
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Bioética y principios bioéticos
- Formulación y defensa de políticas
- Cuestiones éticas.
- Recursos de información bioética
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Tendencias actuales
- Cómo seleccionar un tema de investigación
- Cómo elegir la revista destino.
- El proceso de revisión por pares
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- El panorama de la publicación científica
- Cómo elegir su revista objetivo
- Tipos de mala conducta en la investigación
- El proceso de revisión por pares
Reading Time: 3 minutes
- Historia de preprints
- Beneficios de los preprints
- Políticas de preprint
- Futuro de los preprints
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Automation through AI
- How AI is Helping Authors
- How AI is Assisting Journal Editors
- Popular AI-based Tools
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- How AI can help with better writing
- Trinka Cloud Editor – Key features and tips
- Trinka Auto File Edit – Key features and tips
- Difference between the two features
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Language and Grammar Rules
- Accurate word choice
- Maintaining factual correctness
- Optimizing sentence structure
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Boosting the reviewing process
- Search strategies for locating articles
- Introducing ‘Review Assistant’
- Generating high-quality review reports
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Descripción general
- Cómo identificar revistas depredadoras
- Cómo evitar editriales depredadoras
- Cómo lidiar con editoriales depredadoras
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Identifying the right conference
- Designing video presentations
- Handling Q&A professionally
- Tips for virtual networking
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- An overview of research metrics
- Role of citation analysis
- Measuring research impact
- Citation databases and their features
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Structure of a Thesis
- How to Write a Thesis Statement
- Role of AI in Academic Writing
- How AI Can Assist Authors
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- International guidelines for medical writing
- ICMJE recommendations
- Authorship rules by ICJME
- Publication ethics
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- ¿Por qué los autores deben citar?
- Indexación de citas y su importancia
- Criterios de selección
- Consejos para revistas y editoriales
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Role of AI in Academic Publishing
- Benefits to Authors and Publishers
- Introduction to AI tool Trinka
- Improve Manuscript Quality with Trinka
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- How to become a good lab manager
- Strategies to manage lab inventories
- Scientific data management
- Good laboratory practice (GLP)
Reading Time: 3 minutes
- Elements of a book proposal
- How to find the right publisher
- Proposal Submission guidelines
- Open access book publishing
Reading Time: 3 minutes
- Choosing research methodology
- Research design and research methodology
- Evidence-based research approach
- How RAxter can assist researchers
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Consejos de corrección
- Errores comunes de manuscritos
- Aplicación de la gramática inglesa
- Consejos sobre redacción de manuscritos
Reading Time: 3 minutes
- Base sólida: conozca su literatura
- Diseño de estudio robusto
- Estadísticas de alta calidad
- Enfrentar la revisión por pares
Reading Time: 3 minutes
- How to avoid plagiarism
- Similarity checking
- iThenticate similarity report
- Publishing with confidence
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Modelos de Colaboración en la Investigación
- Identificando al colaborador adecuado
- Iniciar y organizar una colaboración
- Herramientas para colaborar
Reading Time: 3 minutes
- Common language errors
- Application of English grammar
- Importance of professional editing
- Enago services for ESL researchers
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- ¿ Qué es el efecto Hoffman?
- Mecanismo de adicción a la metionina
- Rol de la transmetilación
- Restricción dietética de la metionina
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Diferentes modelos de revisión por pares
- Diferencia entre la Revisión HSS Y STEM
- Responder a los comentarios de revisores
- Manejo de rechazo por la revista
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Reviewers selection criteria
- Major issues in peer review
- Fake peer reviews
- Challenges faced during the pandemic
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Academic publishing processes
- Manuscript preparation and submission
- Types of research methods in humanities
- Insights on Digital Humanities
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Presentar los datos de la investigación
- Creación de tablas, figuras y gráficos
- Producir y enviar imágenes claras
- Infracción de copyright
Reading Time: 3 minutes
- Current scholarly publishing scenario
- Tips to sustain your research
- Maintaining ethical standards
- COVID-19 Rapid Review Initiative
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Importancia de reconocer las fuentes
- Consejos para la promoción
- Generando Redes
- Uso de las redes académicas y sociales
Reading Time: 3 minutes
- Types of literature reviews
- Tips for writing review articles
- Role of meta-analysis
- Reporting guidelines
Reading Time: 3 minutes
- Importance of good English writing skills
- Application of English grammar
- Writing an impactful grant proposal
- Reading and selecting call for applications
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Standard research reporting guidelines
- Critical issues in research reporting
- Primary reasons for low reproducibility
- Transparency and ethical reproducibility
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- ¿Cómo empezar su investigación?
- ¿Cómo elegir la revista adecuada?
- Ciclo de publicación – Una visión general
- ¿Qué es la Humanidad Digital?
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Early-stage researchers
- Doctoral students
- Postdoctoral researchers
- Established researchers
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- History of Preprints
- Benefits of Preprints
- Preprint Policies
- Future of Preprints
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Pautas de selección de revistas
- Herramientas de búsqueda de revistas
- Calidad e impacto de una revista
- Acceso abierto
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- El proceso de revisión por pares
- Revisores por pares
- Cómo lidiar con el rechazo de una revista
- Motivos citados en cartas de rechazo
Reading Time: 3 minutes
- Ethical Guidelines
- Most Common Ethical Violations
- Research Integrity
- Avoiding Ethical Dilemmas
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- What is image manipulation?
- Best practices for image processing
- Avoiding image manipulation
- Tools for detecting image manipulation
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Why and what authors need to cite?
- Citation indexing and its significance
- Selection criteria of citation databases
- Tips for journals and publishers
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Organizing the structure of a manuscript
- Adding relevant references and citations
- Effective presentation of data
- Following journal guidelines
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- A strong basis: Know your literature
- A robust study design
- High-quality statistics
- Handling peer review professionally
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Significance of research promotion
- Traditional ways of research promotion
- Academic and social media networks
- Choosing the right channel for promotion
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Research collaboration and its models
- Identifying the right research collaborator
- Initiating and arranging a collaboration
- Tools for collaboration
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Research Promotion
- Social Media & Research Promotion
- Research-sharing Forums
- Role of Online Repositories
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Types of academic books
- How to write a compelling academic book
- How to publish an edited volume?
- Tips for authors to promote their books
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Bioethics and bioethical principles
- Policy-making and upholding
- Ethical issues in life sciences research
- Resources for bioethics information
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Overview of predatory publishing
- Identifying predatory publishers/journals
- Best Practices to avoid predatory journals
- Dealing with predatory publishers/journals
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Publishing in Medicine
- ICMJE Recommended Guidelines
- Preparing and Evaluating Case Reports
- Research Ethics
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Applications of Bioinformatics
- Biological Databases
- Bioinformatics Tools
- Computational Biology
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Open Access Publishing
- Introduction to cOAlition S and Plan S
- Principles, Aims, and Scope of Plan S
- Requirements for OA Journals
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Reasons for Desk Rejection
- Common Mistakes Made by ESL Authors
- Editing vs. Proofreading
- Benefits of Professional Editing
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- The Peer Review Process
- Peer Review Models
- Becoming a Peer Reviewer
- Drafting a Review Report
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Types of research funding
- Types of research funders
- Planning for a research proposal
- Writing a research proposal
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Journal Selection
- Think. Check. Submit.
- Digital Tools to Identify the Journal
- Tools to Identify Journal Ranking
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Open Science – The Future of Science
- Open Access Publishing
- Open Repositories and Preprints
- Open Peer Review
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Overview of research ethics
- Major ethical issues
- Drafting plagiarism-free papers
- IPR violation
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Open Access
- Target journal selection
- Article publishing charges
- OA archives or repositories
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Difference in HSS and STEM Peer Review
- Peer Review Models
- Responding to Reviewer’s Comments
- Tips to Handle Manuscript Rejections
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- Scholarly Collaboration
- Why Should Authors Cite?
- Citation Indexing
- Citation Databases
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Advantages of E-Learning Platforms
- E-Learning Platforms for Researchers
- Challenges faced by ESL Researchers
- Enago Learn for ESL Researchers
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Research in Humanities & Social Sciences
- Publishing in Humanities
- Choosing the Right Journal
- Digital Humanities
Reading Time: 2 minutes
- What happens after submission?
- Editorial Decisions and Decision Letters
- Making an effective appeal
- Publication and communication
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Relative Risk and Odds Ratio
- Correlation and Regression Analysis
- Multiplicity Issues
- Survival Analysis
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Importance of Work-Life Balance
- Implications of Work-Life Imbalance
- Research Productivity and Work-Life
- Employers’ Role
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Commonly used Statistical Softwares
- Population and sampling
- Types of Graphs
- Survival Analysis
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Grant or Fellowship
- Selecting the Funder
- Reading a Call
- Writing a Good Application
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Clinical Study Designs
- Hypothesis Testing
- P-value Approach (Probability Testing)
- Types of Errors
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Systematic and Non-Systematic Reviews
- PRISMA Flowcharts and Checklists
- Parts of a Review Article
- Drafting a Review Article
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Types of OA models and their evolution
- OA Journals and Repositories
- Persistent Identifiers
- Funder Mandates
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- ICMJE Guidelines
- Order of Authors
- Ethical Dilemmas
- Authorship Changes – Post-Publication
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Challenges Faced by Researchers
- Enago’s Collaborators & Global Presence
- Author Education Services
- Publication Support & Editing Services
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Why and What Authors Need to Cite?
- Methods of Promoting Research
- Digital Media Networking
- Tracking the Progress
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Importance of Data Presentation
- Data Presentation using Tables & Charts
- Data Presentation using Images
- Data Copyright
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- The Peer Review Process
- Causes of Rejection
- Reasons Cited in Rejection Letters
- Understanding Reviewers’ Comments
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Citation Styles,
- Paraphrasing and Quoting,
- Reference Management Tools,
- What Goes Into a Reference?
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Publication Stages
- Manuscript Preparation
- Avoiding Predatory Journals
- Ethical Guidelines
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Adherence to Target Journal’s Guidelines
- Submission to Target Journal
- Writing Effective Titles
- Structuring Academic Papers
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Research and Publication Ethics
- Avoiding Ethical Dilemmas
- Drafting Plagiarism-free Manuscripts
- Ethical Guidelines
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Selecting Relevant Conferences
- Writing Abstracts for Conferences
- Preparing Content for Conferences
- Overcoming Stage Fright
Reading Time: < 1 minute
- Assessing the Quality of a Journal
- Journal Metrics
- Copyrights Infringement
- Tools for Selecting Target Journal
- AI-Assistance Trends in Academia
- Areas of AI Assistance: Factors, Challenges, and Solution
- Live Demo: Trinka AI Studio
- AI Content Assistance Checklist
- The Impact of Language Errors and Statistics Highlighting its Impact
- Overview of Common Language and Grammar Mistakes
- Strategies for Enhancing Language Skills
- Pre-submission Checklist for Ensuring Language Correctness
- Understanding the current landscape of image manipulation in research
- Recent cases of research misconduct
- Best practices for ethical image processing
- Tools and services that help researchers safeguard research integrity
- Current challenges and evolving trends in scholarly publishing
- Common causes of misconduct and identifying them
- Role of individual stakeholders and collaborative efforts in strengthening ethical standards
- Potential and future directions of using AI in upholding publishing integrity
- Challenges faced by peer reviewers
- Role of innovative technology in peer review
- Areas of human oversight
- Best practices to follow while using AI in peer review
- Identifying relevant funding opportunities
- Importance of eligibility criteria
- Understanding the funder’s perspective
- Crafting a strong grant proposal
- How Language Errors Contribute to Journal Rejections
- Strategies for Non-Native English Speakers to Enhance Academic Writing
- The Crucial Role of Expert Editing in Scholarly Publications
- Checklist for Pre-Submission Language Error Control
- Understanding of research impact and its significance
- Practical tips to boost post submission research impact
- Using graphical abstracts, research press release, etc.
- Understand how to measure and track your research impact
- Essential tips for manuscript submission
- Online submission process walkthrough
- Tips to increase research impact
- Importance of publication extenders
- Language Quality Importance in Academia
- AI in Evaluating Language Quality
- Enago Language Reports Live Demo
- Decoding Language Quality Scores
- AI plagiarism prevention strategies
- Master AI tools for research integrity
- Ethical implications of AI-generated text
- AI prevents academic misconduct
- Importance of Achieving Accuracy in Research
- Challenges Faced by Researchers
- Various Capabilities of AI Tools
- Research Processes Demanding Accuracy
- AI's rising role in academic writing
- AI assistance vs content generation
- Best practices for using AI tools
- Live demo: Trinka AI writing assistant
- Preprints and Open Peer Review
- Use of AI Tools for Peer Review
- Ethical Challenges of AI Integration
- Tips for New Reviewers
- Selection of right journal
- Meets journal standards
- Plagiarism free manuscripts
- Rated from reviewer's POV
- Role of AI tools in academia
- Ethical considerations
- Responsible use of AI tools
- ChatGPT vs human editing
- How to structure your research paper
- How to choose a target journal
- Types of research misconduct
- Insights into manuscript decisions
- Role of AI tools in academia
- Ethical considerations
- Responsible use of AI tools
- ChatGPT vs human editing
- How to write each section of the manuscript
- How to address reviewer comments
- How to deal with desk-rejections
- Effective tips for revision and resubmission
- Mistakes leading to desk rejection
- Acceptable standard for English language quality
- How to avoid plagiarism
- How to handle article retractions
- Significance of research promotion
- Traditional ways of research promotion
- Effective social media strategies
- Impact of promotional strategies
- Adhering to IMRaD format
- Effective data presentation
- Overview of peer review process
- Addressing reviewer comments
- Awareness of ethical guidelines
- Choosing the right journal
- Submission methods and requirements
- Information regarding online submission systems
- Why proper citation and referencing is important?
- Why and what should authors cite?
- How should researchers find and acknowledge sources?
- Tips to avoid plagiarism while citing
- Avoiding desk rejection
- Detecting language errors
- Conveying your ideas clearly
- Following technical requirements
- Importance of presenting research data effectively
- How to create tables and figures
- How to avoid image manipulation
- Tips for writing legends and captions
- Establishing a robust study design
- Adhering to research and publication ethics
- Expert tips on choosing the right journal
- Handling the peer review process professionally
- Improving research data quality
- Research data management
- Principles of data sharing and reuse
- Role of AI in data management
- Choosing research methodology
- Research design and methodology
- Evidence-based research approach
- How RAxter can assist researchers
- Significance of research promotion
- Choosing the right channel for promotion
- Importance of an effective social media strategy
- Measuring the impact of the promotional strategy
- Learn more about the concept of Open Science
- Understand the advantages of Open Access publishing
- An insight into the future of Open Science, from a Royal Society perspective
- How COVID-19 has affected Open Science behaviors
- Hear our thoughts on the possible direction for Open Science
- Acknowledging the sources
- Significance of research promotion
- Strategies to boost citations
- Impact of promotional strategies
- Choosing between grants and fellowships
- Identifying the funding bodies
- Selecting the call for applications
- Writing an impactful research proposal
- Automation through AI
- How AI is Helping Authors
- How AI is Assisting Journal Editors
- Popular AI-based Tools
- Top 10 Tips for Successful Manuscript Submission
- Top 10 Tips for Avoiding Journal Rejection
- How to Handle Journal Rejection—Converting a Failure into an Opportunity!
- Types of literature reviews
- Tips for writing review articles
- Role of meta-analysis
- Reporting guidelines
- How AI can help with better writing
- Trinka Cloud Editor
- Trinka Auto File Edit
- Difference between the two features
- Language and Grammar Rules
- Accurate word choice
- Maintaining factual correctness
- Optimizing sentence structure
- Reasons for manuscript rejection
- Tips for manuscript submission
- Publication ethics
- Online submission system
- Overview of Biomedical Publishing
- Writing Different Sections of the Manuscript
- Adding Relevant References and Citations
- Effective Presentation of Data
- Journal Guidelines for a Successful Submission
- Boosting the reviewing process
- Search strategies for locating articles
- Introducing ‘Review Assistant’
- Reporting high-quality reviews
- How to get started with your research study
- How to choose the right journal
- An overview of the publication cycle
- Open access publishing in Social Sciences and Humanities
- What is Digital Humanities
- Identifying the right conference
- Designing video presentations
- Handling Q&A professionally
- Tips for virtual networking
- Structure of a Thesis
- How to Write a Thesis Statement
- Role of AI in Academic Writing
- How AI Can Assist Authors
- Royal Society – la mission de la société savante
- Vue d'ensemble du programme d'édition
- Open Access et la Royal Society
- Guidelines for medical writing
- ICMJE recommendations
- Authorship rules by ICJME
- Publication ethics
- Role of AI in Academic Publishing
- Benefits to Authors and Publishers
- Introduction to AI tool Trinka
- Improve Manuscript Quality
- 올바른 컨퍼런스 식별하기
- 프레젠테이션 설계 전략
- 질의응답 확인 및 관리
- 네트워킹에 대한 효과적인 팁
- How to become a good lab manager
- Strategies to manage lab inventories
- Scientific data management
- Good laboratory practice (GLP)
- Overview of medical publishing
- Conceptualizing your research study
- Communicating your research findings
- Medical, publication, and research Ethics
- Characteristics of scientific societies
- Participation in national governance
- Participation in crisis management
- Strategy to improve the efficacy
- Envío de datos complementarios
- Requisitos material complementario
- Consejos para presentar y citar
- Instrucciones para los autores
- History of Preprints
- Benefits of Preprints
- Preprint Policies
- Future of Preprints
- How to Select a Research Topic
- How to Structure a Research Paper
- How to Acknowledge Sources
- Types of Research Misconduct
- 研究テーマの選択
- 研究課題の特定
- 効果的な文献調査のコツ
- ジャーナルデータベースの使い方
- An overview of research metrics
- Role of citation analysis
- Measuring research impact
- Citation databases and their features
- Overview of research ethics
- Major ethical issues
- Drafting plagiarism-free papers
- IPR violation
- How to avoid plagiarism
- Similarity checking
- iThenticate similarity report
- Publishing with confidence
- Common language errors
- Application of English grammar
- Importance of professional editing
- Enago services for ESL researchers
- Tendencias actuales
- Elección tema de investigación
- Cómo elegir la revista destino.
- El proceso de revisión por pares
- 如何寻找原创研究课题
- 快速定位目标文献的有效搜索策略
- 如何根据期刊指南准备手稿的对应部分
- 论文手稿语言润色实用技巧分享
- What happens after submission?
- Editorial decision making
- Making an effective appeal
- Publication and communication
- 윤리 지침
- 자주 범하는 윤리 위반
- 연구의 진정성
- 윤리적 딜레마 해결
- Historia de preprints
- Beneficios de los preprints
- Políticas de preprint
- Futuro de los preprints
- 倫理規定
- よくある倫理違反
- 研究の公正性
- 倫理的ジレンマに陥らない秘訣
- 논문에서 출처 표기의 중요성
- 연구 홍보의 중요성 이해
- 피인용을 늘리기 위한 다양한 전략 이해
- 적용한 홍보 전략의 영향력 측정
- 각 섹션의 목적과 중요성
- 각 섹션의 핵심 요소
- 논문 작성 시 피해야 할 일반적인 실수
- 작성 팁: 해야 할 일과 하지 말아야 할 일
- What is the Hoffman Effect?
- Methionine addiction mechanism
- Role of transmethylation
- Dietary methionine restriction
- 出席すべき学会の見極め方
- オンライン学会発表準備の原則と戦略
- 質疑応答を切り抜けるコツ
- オンラインでの人脈づくりのヒント
- Escenario actual de las publicaciones científicas
- Consejos para sustentar su investigación
- Manteniéndo los estándares éticos
- Iniciativa de Revisión Rápida COVID-19
- Propósito de cada sección
- Elementos clave de cada sección
- Errores comunes a evitar al escribir
- Consejos de escritura
- Clinical Study Designs
- Hypothesis Testing
- P-value Approach (Probability Testing)
- Types of Errors
- Open Access Publishing
- Introduction to cOAlition S and Plan S
- Principles, Aims, and Scope of Plan S
- Requirements for OA Journals
- 연구에서 중요한 P-값의 이해
- 가설 테스트에서 P-값의 역할
- 흔히 발견되는 3가지 대표적인 P값의 오해
- 이를 해결하기 위한 방법들
- Elements of a book proposal
- How to find the right publisher
- Proposal Submission guidelines
- Open access book publishing
- Reviewers selection criteria
- Major issues in peer review
- Fake peer reviews
- Challenges faced during the pandemic
- Types of academic books
- How to write a compelling book
- How to publish an edited volume
- Tips to promote books
- A strong basis: Know your literature
- A robust study design
- High-quality statistics
- Handling peer review professionally
- Open Science – The Future of Science
- Open Access Publishing
- Open Repositories and Preprints
- Open Peer Review
- Research in HSS
- Publishing in Humanities
- Choosing the Right Journal
- Digital Humanities
- The peer review process
- Peer review models
- Tips on evaluating each section
- Drafting a review Report
- Scholarly collaboration
- Why should authors cite?
- Citation indexing
- Citation databases
- 如何寻找原创研究课题
- 快速定位目标文献的有效搜索策略
- 如何根据期刊指南准备手稿的对应部分
- 论文手稿语言润色实用技巧分享,快速提高论文质量
- Current scholarly publishing scenario
- Tips to sustain your research
- Maintaining ethical standards
- COVID-19 Rapid Review Initiative
- Academic publishing processes
- Manuscript preparation and submission
- Types of research methods in humanities
- Insights on Digital Humanities
- Types of research funding
- Types of research funders
- Planning for a research proposal
- Writing a research proposal
- Consejos para redactar un abstract
- Tipos de abstracts
- Uso de palabras clave
- Errores comunes
- Publishing in Medicine
- ICMJE Recommended Guidelines
- Preparing Case Reports
- Research Ethics
- Types of literature reviews
- Tips for writing review articles
- Role of meta-analysis
- Reporting guidelines
- Commonly used Statistical Softwares
- Population and sampling
- Types of Graphs
- Survival Analysis
- Applications of Bioinformatics
- Biological Databases
- Bioinformatics Tools
- Computational Biology
- Standard research reporting guidelines
- Critical issues in research reporting
- Reasons for low reproducibility
- Ensuring transparency
- Importance of good English writing skills
- Application of English grammar
- Writing an impactful grant proposal
- Selecting call for applications
- Research Promotion
- Social Media & Research Promotion
- Research-sharing Forums
- Role of Online Repositories
- 초록 작성 팁
- 초록의 유형
- 키워드 사용
- 일반적으로 범하는 실수
- ICMJE guidelines on authorship
- Avoiding authorship dilemma
- Overview of Open Knowledge
- Significance of open data sharing
- HSS and STEM Peer Review
- Peer Review Models
- Responding to Reviewer’s Comments
- Tips to Handle Manuscript Rejections
- Adhering to IMRaD format
- Adding relevant references
- Effective presentation of data
- Following journal guidelines
- Bioethics and bioethical principles
- Policy-making and upholding
- Ethical issues in life sciences research
- Resources for bioethics information
- アブストラクトの書き方のコツ
- アブストラクトの種類
- キーワードの活用法
- 見落としやすいポイント
- 생명윤리와 생명윤리 원칙
- 정책의 결정 및 유지
- 생명과학 연구의 윤리적 문제
- 생명윤리 정보 리소스
- Bioética y principios bioéticos
- Formulación y defensa de políticas
- Cuestiones éticas
- Recursos de información bioética
- 生命伦理学及其原则
- 生命伦理学原则的制定和维护
- 生命科学研究中的伦理问题
- 用来搜索生命伦理学信息的相关资源
- What is image manipulation?
- Best practices for image processing
- Avoiding image manipulation
- Tools for detecting image manipulation
- Reasons for Desk Rejection
- Common Mistakes Made by ESL Authors
- Editing vs. Proofreading
- Benefits of Professional Editing
- History of Preprints
- Benefits of Preprints
- Preprint Policies
- Future of Preprints
- 사례 보고서 출판
- 적합한 저널 모색
- 사례 보고서 구성 방법
- 사례 보고서의 출판 윤리
- 医薬バイオ分野における論文発表
- 論文の構造とその組み立て方
- 参考文献の検索および管理方法
- データの効果的な示し方
- 研究生
- 研究生
- 资深科研人员
- 研究教授
- Ethical Guidelines
- Most Common Ethical Violations
- Research Integrity
- Avoiding Ethical Dilemmas
- Why and what authors need to cite?
- Citation indexing and its significance
- Selection criteria of citation databases
- Tips for journals and publishers
- サプリメンタルデータの投稿
- サプリメンタルデータの要件
- 発表・引用のコツ
- 具体的な投稿手順
- Elegir entre subvenciones y becas de investigación
- Identificación de los organismos de financiación
- Selección de la convocatoria de solicitudes
- Escribir una propuesta de investigación impactante
- El panorama de la publicación científica
- Cómo elegir su revista objetivo
- Tipos de mala conducta en la investigación
- El proceso de revisión por pares
- 보충 자료 제출
- 보충 자료가 갖추어야 할 사항
- 제시하고 인용하는 팁
- 저자들이 알아야 할 사항
- 医学出版
- ICMJE推荐指南
- 准备和评估案例报告
- 研究伦理
- 医学論文発表
- ICMJEガイドライン
- 症例報告の作成と評価
- 研究倫理
- Modelos de Colaboración
- Identificando al colaborador adecuado
- Iniciar y organizar una colaboración
- Herramientas para colaborar
- Grant or Fellowship
- Selecting the Funder
- Reading a Call
- Writing a Good Application
- 結果、考察、結論:目的と意義
- 各項目で特に大切な要素
- 各項目の執筆時におかしがちな間違いと避け方
- 各項目執筆時のコツ:書くことと書かないこと
- ¿Por que los autores deben citar?
- Indexación de citas y su importancia
- Criterios de selección
- Consejos para revistas y editoriales
- Significance of research promotion
- Traditional ways of research promotion
- Academic and social media networks
- Choosing the right channel for promotion
- Research collaboration and its models
- Identifying the right research collaborator
- Initiating and arranging a collaboration
- Tools for collaboration
- 开放科学——科学的未来
- 开放获取出版
- 开放存储系统和预印本
- 开放同行评审
- 研究经费的类型
- 如何阅读和选择基金申请公告
- 如何撰写有力的经费申请书
- 常见的研究资助机会
- 倫理指針について
- よくある研究不正の実例
- 研究の公正性とは
- 倫理的ジレンマを克服するために
- Journal Selection
- Think. Check. Submit.
- Digital Tools to Identify the Journal
- Tools to Identify Journal Ranking
- 研究費の種類
- 公募情報の読み解き方と助成金の選択方法
- 研究計画書の効果的な書き方
- 研究費獲得の機会について
- Consejos de corrección
- Errores comunes de manuscritos
- Aplicación de la gramática inglesa
- Consejos sobre redacción de manuscritos
- Open Access
- Target journal selection
- Article publishing charges
- OA archives or repositories
- 同行评审
- 同行评审类型
- 应对拒稿
- 在知名期刊上发表文章
- 著者と貢献者の違い
- 何人まで著者として記載できるか
- 責任著者および共著者となれる条件
- 著者のためのリソース
- 論文での出典明記の大切さ
- 研究のPRの重要性
- 引用と参照文献について
- 自分たちのPR戦略はどの程度効果的か
- 正确注明引述来源的重要性
- 了解科研推广的重要性
- 了解提高论文引用次数的不同策略
- 衡量所用推广策略的效果
- Presentar los datos de la investigación
- Creación de tablas, figuras y gráficos
- Producir y enviar imágenes claras
- Infracción de copyright
- Diferentes modelos de revisión por pares
- Diferencia entre la Revisión HSS Y STEM
- Responder a los revisores
- Manejo de rechazo por la revista
- 英語でのライティングスキルの重要性
- 論文英語の組み立て
- 日本人によくある英語の間違い
- 論文執筆の基本
- 当前学术出版方案概述
- 研究人员保持科研创造力的建议
- 在流行病研究中维持伦理标准
- 跨出版商COVID-19快速审查计划
- Importancia de reconocer las fuentes
- Consejos para la promoción
- Generando Redes
- Uso de las redes académicas y sociales
- 手稿起草技巧
- 稿件提交指南
- 同行评审
- 应对拒稿
- プランSとcOAlition Sの概要
- プランSの目的、範囲、原則
- オープンアクセス
- オープンデータの重要性
- 名誉&幽灵作者
- 研究伦理的重要性
- 稿件提交前问询
- 稿件提交指南
- Descripción general
- Cómo identificar revistas depredadoras
- Cómo evitar editriales depredadoras
- Cómo lidiar con editoriales depredadoras
- 徹底的な文献調査
- 目的にかなった研究デザインとは
- 正しい解析手法の選び方
- 査読コメントの対処法
- 学术出版中综述文章的概述和意义
- 不同类型文献综述的比较分析
- 写好系统综述与叙述性综述的技巧
- 整合分析(meta-analysis)的作用
- 如何撰写引人入胜的学术专著或书籍章节
- 了解出版前后的每一步
- 关于书籍推广:给作者的建议
- 开放存取
- Plan S与cOAlition S概述
- Plan S的目标、范畴以及原则
- 了解期刊与出版商需遵行的要求
- 全面施行Plan S的指引提案
- 査読プロセス
- リジェクトされる要因
- 査読者コメントの理解と効果的な回答
- リジェクトを回避するためのポイント
- 학술 출판 이해
- 연구 주제 선정 및 논문 작성법
- 연구 논문 구성
- 출처 표기법
- 탄탄한 기본의 중요성
- 견고한 연구 설계 수립
- 수준 높은 통계 자료
- 피어리뷰에 대한 대처 방안
- 登壇者それぞれのこれまでの歩み
- 民間企業を選んだ理由
- 博士課程での研究と現在の活動とのつながり
- 論文執筆という作業と民間企業でのキャリア形成との関係
- 研究プロモーションの意義を理解する
- 従来の研究プロモーション手法の概要
- メジャーな学術ネットワークとソーシャルメディア・ネットワーク
- プロモーションに適したチャネルの選び方
- 学術目的でソーシャルメディアを利用することのデメリット
- プロモーション戦略の効果測定
- プレプリントとオープン査読
- 査読におけるAIツールの使用
- AI統合の倫理的課題
- 査読経験の浅い若手研究者へのアドバイス
- 実例を通してジャーナルの要件を理解する
- ワンランク上の編集・英文校正を実演
- 執筆完了後にやるべきこと
- 学術研究におけるAIツールの役割
- 倫理的な配慮事項
- AIツールの責任ある使用
- ChatGPTと人間による校正の比較
- リジェクトの種類:エディターキック(デスクリジェクト。査読以前のリジェクト)と査読後のリジェクト
- 査読コメントに見られるリジェクト理由の典型例
- リジェクトを告げるコメントを理解し次の行動を決める方法
- 査読コメント/リジェクトへの申し立てと反論
- 原稿の修正時と再提出時に役立つヒント ※講師は日本語で解説しますが、使用資料は英語となります。
- 助成金かフェローシップ、どちらを選ぶか
- 応募できる助成金について幅広くリサーチする方法
- 助成団体とその利害関係を見極める
- 最適な募集要項を発見する方法
- インパクトのある研究計画書を書くための基本的な構成要素
- 研究助成機関が魅力を感じる計画書とは?
- 申請書類の提出前後にするべきこと ※講師は日本語で解説しますが、使用資料は英語となります。
- 論文投稿に関する新たな課題とその克服法
- 編集者はどのように掲載論文を決定するのか
- 適切な査読者を著者の側から選ぶ方法
- 研究不正を避け、倫理的問題に対処する方法
- 論文投稿に関する新たな課題とその克服法
- 編集者はどのように掲載論文を決定するのか
- 適切な査読者を著者の側から選ぶ方法
- 研究不正を避け、倫理的問題に対処する方法
- 学術発表の基本要素 (Key elements of an academic presentation)
- プレゼンの技術的側面 (Technical aspects of a presentation)
- プレゼンの要点のまとめ方 (How to organize key sections of your presentation)
- プレゼン準備でよくある失敗 (Common errors while preparing a presentation)
- 効果的なプレゼンを作成するヒント (Tips for designing an effective presentation)
- 印象的なプレゼンを行うための戦略 (Strategies for delivering an impressive presentation) ※講師は日本語で解説しますが、使用資料は英語となります。
- 良く書かれた要旨と序論の重要性
- 要旨と序論を書くときに起こしがちな過ち
- 科学論文の要旨の書き方
- 効果的な序論の書き方
- 要旨と序論の主な類似点と相違点
- 研究テーマの選択
- 研究課題の特定
- 効果的な文献調査のコツ
- ジャーナルデータベースの使い方
- Key elements of an academic presentation
- Technical aspects of a presentation
- How to organize key sections of your presentation
- Common errors while preparing a presentation
- Tips for designing an effective presentation
- Strategies for delivering an impressive presentation
- 英語でのライティングスキルの重要性
- 論文英語の組み立て
- 日本人によくある英語の間違い
- 論文執筆の基本
- 出席すべき学会の見極め方
- オンライン学会発表準備の原則と戦略
- 質疑応答を切り抜けるコツ
- オンラインでの人脈づくりのヒント
- Improving research data quality
- Research data management
- Principles of data sharing and reuse
- Role of AI in data management
- 結果、考察、結論:目的と意義
- 各項目で特に大切な要素
- 各項目の執筆時におかしがちな間違いと避け方
- 各項目執筆時のコツ:書くことと書かないこと
- アブストラクトの書き方のコツ
- アブストラクトの種類
- キーワードの活用法
- 見落としやすいポイント
- Acknowledging the sources
- Significance of research promotion
- Strategies to boost citations
- Impact of promotional strategies
- Importance of original research
- Writing tips for an impactful paper
- Article discoverability and visibility
- Measuring reach impact using metrics
- サプリメンタルデータの投稿
- サプリメンタルデータの要件
- 発表・引用のコツ
- 具体的な投稿手順
- 倫理規定
- よくある倫理違反
- 研究の公正性
- 倫理的ジレンマに陥らない秘訣
- Automation through AI
- How AI is Helping Authors
- How AI is Assisting Journal Editors
- Popular AI-based Tools
- How AI can help with better writing
- Trinka Cloud Editor – Key features and tips
- Trinka Auto File Edit – Key features and tips
- Difference between the two features
- Language and Grammar Rules
- Accurate word choice
- Maintaining factual correctness
- Optimizing sentence structure
- 徹底的な文献調査
- 目的にかなった研究デザインとは
- 正しい解析手法の選び方
- 査読コメントの対処法
- Boosting the reviewing process
- Search strategies for locating articles
- Introducing ‘Review Assistant’
- Generating high-quality review reports
- Identifying the right conference
- Strategies for designing video presentations
- Handling Q&A professionally
- Tips for virtual networking
- 医薬バイオ分野における論文発表・出版の概要
- 論文の構造とその組み立て方
- 参考文献の検索および管理方法
- データの効果的な示し方
- An overview of research metrics
- Role of citation analysis
- Measuring research impact
- Citation databases and their features
- Structure of a Thesis
- How to Write a Thesis Statement
- Role of AI in Academic Writing
- How AI Can Assist Authors
- International guidelines for medical writing
- ICMJE recommendations
- Authorship rules by ICJME
- Publication ethics
- Role of AI in Academic Publishing
- Benefits to Authors and Publishers
- Introduction to AI tool Trinka
- Improve Manuscript Quality with Trinka
- How to become a good lab manager
- Strategies to manage lab inventories
- Scientific data management
- Good laboratory practice (GLP)
- Choosing research methodology
- Research design and research methodology
- Evidence-based research approach
- How RAxter can assist researchers
- ハゲタカ出版の実態について
- ハゲタカ出版社の見分け方
- ハゲタカジャーナルを回避するには
- ハゲタカ出版社/ハゲタカジャーナルの対処法
- Common language errors
- Application of English grammar
- Importance of professional editing
- Enago services for ESL researchers
- How to avoid plagiarism
- Similarity checking
- iThenticate similarity report
- Publishing with confidence
- プランSとcOAlition Sの概要
- プランSの目的、範囲、原則
- オープンアクセス
- オープンデータの重要性
- 査読プロセス
- リジェクトされる要因
- 査読者コメントの理解と効果的な回答
- リジェクトを回避するためのポイント
- 医学論文発表
- ICMJEガイドライン
- 症例報告の作成と評価
- 研究倫理
- 研究費の種類
- 公募情報の読み解き方と助成金の選択方法
- 研究計画書の効果的な書き方
- 研究費獲得の機会について
- 倫理指針について
- よくある研究不正の実例
- 研究の公正性とは
- 倫理的ジレンマを克服するために
- ホフマン効果とは?
- メチオニン中毒が起こるメカニズム
- メチル基転移が果たす役割
- 食事療法によるメチオニン摂取制限
- What is image manipulation?
- Best practices for image processing
- Avoiding image manipulation
- Tools for detecting image manipulation
- 論文での出典明記の大切さ
- 研究のPRの重要性
- 引用と参照文献について
- 自分たちのPR戦略はどの程度効果的か
- Overview of predatory publishing
- Identifying predatory publishers/journals
- Best Practices to avoid predatory journals
- Dealing with predatory publishers/journals
- Reviewers selection criteria
- Major issues in peer review
- Fake peer reviews
- Challenges faced during the pandemic
- Academic publishing processes
- Manuscript preparation and submission
- Types of research methods in humanities
- Insights on Digital Humanities
- 著者と貢献者の違い
- 何人まで著者として記載できるか
- 責任著者および共著者となれる条件
- 著者のためのリソース
- Current scholarly publishing scenario
- Tips to sustain your research
- Maintaining ethical standards
- COVID-19 Rapid Review Initiative
- Types of literature reviews
- Tips for writing review articles
- Role of meta-analysis
- Reporting guidelines
- Importance of good English writing skills
- Application of English grammar
- Writing an impactful grant proposal
- Reading and selecting call for applications
- Standard research reporting guidelines
- Critical issues in research reporting
- Primary reasons for low reproducibility
- Transparency and ethical reproducibility
- ジャーナルの目的や注目度
- ジャーナルの質の評価と重要指標について
- ジャーナル検索ツール
- オープンアクセス
- Early-stage researchers
- Doctoral students
- Postdoctoral researchers
- Established researchers
- 出版までの段階と論文の下書き
- 倫理ガイドラインと著作権侵害の回避
- 投稿方法と要件
- 再投稿と査読者への回答
- Elements of a book proposal
- How to find the right publisher
- Proposal Submission guidelines
- Open access book publishing
- History of Preprints
- Benefits of Preprints
- Preprint Policies
- Future of Preprints
- Ethical Guidelines
- Most Common Ethical Violations
- Research Integrity
- Avoiding Ethical Dilemmas
- Overview of research ethics
- Major ethical issues
- Drafting plagiarism-free papers
- IPR violation
- A strong basis: Know your literature
- A robust study design
- High-quality statistics
- Handling peer review professionally
- Organizing the structure of a manuscript
- Adding relevant references and citations
- Effective presentation of data
- Following journal guidelines
- Why and what authors need to cite?
- Citation indexing and its significance
- Selection criteria of international citation databases
- Tips for journals and publishers
- Significance of research promotion
- Traditional ways of research promotion
- Academic and social media networks
- Choosing the right channel for promotion
- Types of academic books
- How to write a compelling academic book
- How to publish an edited volume?
- Tips for authors to promote their books
- Open Access
- Target journal selection
- Article publishing charges
- OA archives or repositories
- Open Access Publishing
- Introduction to cOAlition S and Plan S
- Principles, Aims, and Scope of Plan S
- Requirements for OA Journals
- Bioethics and bioethical principles
- Policy-making and upholding
- Ethical issues in life sciences research
- Resources for bioethics information
- Research collaboration and its models
- Identifying the right research collaborator
- Initiating and arranging a collaboration
- Tools for collaboration
- Types of research funding
- Types of research funders
- Planning for a research proposal
- Writing a research proposal
- The Peer Review Process
- Peer Review Models
- Becoming a Peer Reviewer
- Drafting a Review Report
- Research Promotion
- Social Media & Research Promotion
- Research-sharing Forums
- Role of Online Repositories
- Open Science – The Future of Science
- Open Access Publishing
- Open Repositories and Preprints
- Open Peer Review
- Publishing in Medicine
- ICMJE Recommended Guidelines
- Preparing and Evaluating Case Reports
- Research Ethics
- Journal Selection
- Think. Check. Submit.
- Digital Tools to Identify the Journal
- Tools to Identify Journal Ranking
- Applications of Bioinformatics
- Biological Databases
- Bioinformatics Tools
- Computational Biology
- Difference in HSS and STEM Peer Review
- Peer Review Models
- Responding to Reviewer’s Comments
- Tips to Handle Manuscript Rejections
- Scholarly Collaboration
- Why Should Authors Cite?
- Citation Indexing
- Citation Databases
- Advantages of E-Learning Platforms
- E-Learning Platforms for Researchers
- Challenges faced by ESL Researchers
- Enago Learn for ESL Researchers
- Research in Humanities & Social Sciences
- Publishing in Humanities
- Choosing the Right Journal
- Digital Humanities
- What happens after submission?
- Editorial Decisions and Decision Letters
- Making an effective appeal
- Publication and communication
- 文の長さと構成を最適にする方法
- 学術論文における省略構文の使い方
- 的確な単語選択の重要性と語彙を増やすコツ
- 上手な語句の言い換え方
- 冗長さをなくし、文章を読みやすくする方法
- 学術論文に使える印象的な言い回し ※山梨大学主催のオンラインセミナーです。 ※このセミナーは日本語で行われます。(スライド内使用言語は英語)
- Importance of Work-Life Balance
- Implications of Work-Life Imbalance
- Research Productivity and Work-Life
- Employers' Role
- Relative Risk and Odds Ratio
- Correlation and Regression Analysis
- Multiplicity Issues
- Survival Analysis
- Commonly used Statistical Softwares
- Population and sampling
- Types of Graphs
- Survival Analysis
- The Peer Review Process
- Causes of Rejection
- Reasons Cited in Rejection Letters
- Understanding Reviewers’ Comments
- 英語ライティングスキルの重要性
- いかにして研究論文を構成し、それぞれのセクションを効果的に書くか
- アカデミックライティングにおける文法事項のおさらい
- 論文の自然な文体、明確さ、読みやすさの重要性
- 論文特有の効果的な言い換えの方法
- 学術論文にふさわしい語彙力を高めるには?
- 英語が母語でない研究者が英文を書く際に犯しがちなミス
- 原稿を推敲・校正するためのコツ このセミナーは日本語で行われます。 (スライド内使用言語は英語)
- 적합한 펠로우십을 찾기 위한 전략
- 매력적인 애플리케이션 만들기
- 펠로우십 지원서 작성하기
- 일반적인 면접 질문 예상 및 연습하기
- 윤리 지침
- 자주 범하는 윤리 위반
- 연구의 진정성
- 윤리적 딜레마 해결
- 영문을 잘 쓰는 능력의 중요성
- 논문에서 유창성과 명확성, 가독성의 중요성
- 데스크 리젝션에 대처하는 방법
- 항소 및 반론
- 타겟저널 선정
- 저널의 기준 충족
- 표절 없는 원고 확보
- 리뷰어의 POV에서 평가
- 예시를 통해 임팩트 팩터가 높은 저널 요구 사항의 이해
- 임팩트 팩터(IF) 저널의 구체적인 요구 사항과 기대 사항에 대한 통찰력
- 논문 보충 자료의 효과를 평가하는 방법
- 학계에서 인공지능 도구의 역할
- 윤리적 고려 사항
- AI 도구의 책임 있는 사용
- ChatGPT VS 사람을 통한 직접 교정
- 에디터가 원고 및 논문 구조에 어떻게 접근하는가?
- ESL 저자가 흔히 직면하고 있는 공통 언어 문제 및 해결 방법
- 학술 논문 출판 협약
- 개념을 명확하게 전달하기 위한 팁
- 프레젠테이션 섹션 구성하기
- 더 나은 과학 발표자가 되기
- 인상적인 프레젠테이션 제공하기
- 질의응답을 전문적으로 처리하는 팁
- 원고 섹션 초안 작성 팁
- 원고 제출 가이드라인
- 저널 편집 및 피어리뷰 과정
- 리뷰어의 의견에 대한 대응
- 올바른 컨퍼런스 식별하기
- 프레젠테이션 설계 전략
- 질의응답 확인 및 관리
- 네트워킹에 대한 효과적인 팁
- 원고 초안을 작성하기 위한 팁
- 자료를 승인하는 방법
- 연구 부정행위의 유형
- 원고 제출 가이드라인
- 연구에서 중요한 P-값의 이해
- 가설 테스트에서 P-값의 역할
- 흔히 발견되는 3가지 대표적인 P값의 오해
- 이를 해결하기 위한 방법들
- Research in Humanities & Social Sciences
- Publishing in Humanities
- Choosing the Right Journal
- Peer-review in HSS
- 약탈적 출판에 관한 개요
- 약탈적 출판사/저널을 식별하는 방법
- 포식성 저널을 피하기 위한 모범 사례
- 약탈적 출판사/저널에 대응하는 방법
- 논문에서 출처 표기의 중요성
- 연구 홍보의 중요성 이해
- 피인용을 늘리기 위한 다양한 전략 이해
- 적용한 홍보 전략의 영향력 측정
- 각 섹션의 목적과 중요성
- 각 섹션의 핵심 요소
- 논문 작성 시 피해야 할 일반적인 실수
- 작성 팁: 해야 할 일과 하지 말아야 할 일
- 정확하게 원고 구성하기
- 연구 데이터를 효과적으로 제시하는 법
- 저작권 부여
- 출처 명시
- 초록 작성 팁
- 초록의 유형
- 키워드 사용
- 일반적으로 범하는 실수
- Acknowledging the sources
- Significance of research promotion
- Strategies to boost citations
- Impact of promotional strategies
- Improving research data quality
- Research data management
- Principles of data sharing and reuse
- Role of AI in data management
- 생명윤리와 생명윤리 원칙
- 정책의 결정 및 유지
- 생명과학 연구의 윤리적 문제
- 생명윤리 정보 리소스
- 사례 보고서 출판
- 적합한 저널 모색
- 사례 보고서 구성 방법
- 사례 보고서의 출판 윤리
- 보충 자료 제출
- 보충 자료가 갖추어야 할 사항
- 제시하고 인용하는 팁
- 저자들이 알아야 할 사항
- 윤리 지침
- 자주 범하는 윤리 위반
- 연구의 진정성
- 윤리적 딜레마 해결
- 리뷰어 선택 기준
- 피어 리뷰의 주요 문제
- 가짜 피어 리뷰
- 팬데믹으로 인한 도전 과제
- Automation through AI
- How AI is Helping Authors
- How AI is Assisting Journal Editors
- Popular AI-based Tools
- How AI can help with better writing
- Trinka Cloud Editor – Key features and tips
- Trinka Auto File Edit – Key features and tips
- Difference between the two features
- Language and Grammar Rules
- Accurate word choice
- Maintaining factual correctness
- Optimizing sentence structure
- Boosting the reviewing process
- Search strategies for locating articles
- Introducing ‘Review Assistant’
- Generating high-quality review reports
- 탄탄한 기본의 중요성
- 견고한 연구 설계 수립
- 수준 높은 통계 자료
- 피어리뷰에 대한 대처 방안
- Identifying the right conference
- Strategies for designing video presentations
- Handling Q&A professionally
- Tips for virtual networking
- An overview of research metrics
- Role of citation analysis
- Measuring research impact
- Citation databases and their features
- Structure of a Thesis
- How to Write a Thesis Statement
- Role of AI in Academic Writing
- How AI Can Assist Authors
- International guidelines for medical writing
- ICMJE recommendations
- Authorship rules by ICJME
- Publication ethics
- Role of AI in Academic Publishing
- Benefits to Authors and Publishers
- Introduction to AI tool Trinka
- Improve Manuscript Quality with Trinka
- 학술 출판 이해
- 연구 주제 선정 및 논문 작성법
- 연구 논문 구성
- 출처 표기법
- How to become a good lab manager
- Strategies to manage lab inventories
- Scientific data management
- Good laboratory practice (GLP)
- 정확하게 원고 구성하기
- 연구 데이터를 효과적으로 제시하는 법
- 저작권 부여
- 출처 명시
- 저널 투고용 논문 준비
- 저작자 결정 및 저작권
- 온라인 투고 시스템
- 주목받는 커버레터 작성
- Choosing research methodology
- Research design and research methodology
- Evidence-based research approach
- How RAxter can assist researchers
- 표, 그림, 차트를 만드는 방법?
- 범례와 캡션을 간결하게 작성하는 법
- 콘텐츠 저작권의 이해
- 이미지 조작에 관한 윤리 및 지침
- 약탈적 출판에 관한 개요
- 약탈적 출판사/저널 식별하기
- 약탈적 저널을 피하는 모범 사례
- 약탈적 출판사/저널에 대응하기
- How to avoid plagiarism
- Similarity checking
- iThenticate similarity report
- Publishing with confidence
- 피어 리뷰
- 원고 거절에 대응하기
- 저널 선정 가이드라인
- 피어 리뷰의 영향
- Common language errors
- Application of English grammar
- Importance of professional editing
- Enago services for ESL researchers
- 저널 선정 가이드라인
- 저널 품질 및 영향력
- 유명 저널에 출판하기
- 약탈적인 저널 피하기
- 제출 후에는 어떻게 되는지
- 편집에 관한 결정 및 결과 편지
- 거절시 효과적으로 어필하는 방법?
- 투고 및 커뮤니케이션
- 연구보조금 유형
- 연구보조금 지원서 검토 및 선발 방법
- 효과적인 연구보조금 신청서 작성법
- 연구보조금 수여 기회
- 논문 원고 작성 방법
- 국제의학학술편집위원회(ICMJE)의 권고 사항
- 사례 보고서 준비 및 평가
- 적합한 저널 선택하기
- 연구윤리 가이드라인
- 가장 일반적인 윤리위반
- 연구 무결성
- 연구윤리 딜레마 피하기
- 저작에 관한 ICMJE 가이드라인
- 저자와 기고자를 구분하는 방법
- 저작자 리스트는 어느 정도 길이여야 하나?
- 저작자 분쟁을 해결하는 방법
- 호프만 효과(Hoffman effect)란 무엇인가?
- 메티오닌 중독 메커니즘
- 트랜스메틸화의 역할
- 식이요법 메티오닌 제한
- Academic publishing processes
- Manuscript preparation and submission
- Types of research methods in humanities
- Insights on Digital Humanities
- Current scholarly publishing scenario
- Tips to sustain your research
- Maintaining ethical standards
- COVID-19 Rapid Review Initiative
- Types of literature reviews
- Tips for writing review articles
- Role of meta-analysis
- Reporting guidelines
- Importance of good English writing skills
- Application of English grammar
- Writing an impactful grant proposal
- Reading and selecting call for applications
- Standard research reporting guidelines
- Critical issues in research reporting
- Primary reasons for low reproducibility
- Transparency and ethical reproducibility
- Early-stage researchers
- Doctoral students
- Postdoctoral researchers
- Established researchers
- 연구 및 보조금 제안서
- 연구 보조금을 제공하는 기관
- 보조금 신청서의 각각의 섹션
- 보조금 신청서 제출 후 후속 과정
- Elements of a book proposal
- How to find the right publisher
- Proposal Submission guidelines
- Open access book publishing
- History of Preprints
- Benefits of Preprints
- Preprint Policies
- Future of Preprints
- Ethical Guidelines
- Most Common Ethical Violations
- Research Integrity
- Avoiding Ethical Dilemmas
- Overview of research ethics
- Major ethical issues
- Drafting plagiarism-free papers
- IPR violation
- Overview of predatory publishing
- Identifying predatory publishers/journals
- Best Practices to avoid predatory journals
- Dealing with predatory publishers/journals
- Organizing the structure of a manuscript
- Adding relevant references and citations
- Effective presentation of data
- Following journal guidelines
- A strong basis: Know your literature
- A robust study design
- High-quality statistics
- Handling peer review professionally
- Significance of research promotion
- Traditional ways of research promotion
- Academic and social media networks
- Choosing the right channel for promotion
- Types of academic books
- How to write a compelling academic book
- How to publish an edited volume?
- Tips for authors to promote their books
- Research collaboration and its models
- Identifying the right research collaborator
- Initiating and arranging a collaboration
- Tools for collaboration
- Open Access
- Target journal selection
- Article publishing charges
- OA archives or repositories
- Bioethics and bioethical principles
- Policy-making and upholding
- Major ethical issues in life sciences research
- Resources for finding bioethics information
- Research Promotion
- Social Media & Research Promotion
- Research-sharing Forums
- Role of Online Repositories
- Types of research funding
- Types of research funders
- Planning for a research proposal
- Writing a research proposal
- Open Science – The Future of Science
- Open Access Publishing
- Open Repositories and Preprints
- Open Peer Review
- The Peer Review Process
- Peer Review Models
- Becoming a Peer Reviewer
- Drafting a Review Report
- Publishing in Medicine
- ICMJE Recommended Guidelines
- Preparing and Evaluating Case Reports
- Research Ethics
- Journal Selection
- Think. Check. Submit.
- Digital Tools to Identify the Journal
- Tools to Identify Journal Ranking
- Why and what authors need to cite?
- Citation indexing and its significance
- Selection criteria of citation databases
- Tips for journals and publishers
- Applications of Bioinformatics
- Biological Databases
- Bioinformatics Tools
- Computational Biology
- Reasons for Desk Rejection
- Common Mistakes Made by ESL Authors
- Editing vs. Proofreading
- Benefits of Professional Editing
- Difference in HSS and STEM Peer Review
- Peer Review Models
- Responding to Reviewer’s Comments
- Tips to Handle Manuscript Rejections
- Scholarly Collaboration
- Why Should Authors Cite?
- Citation Indexing
- Citation Databases
- Advantages of E-Learning Platforms
- E-Learning Platforms for Researchers
- Challenges faced by ESL Researchers
- Enago Learn for ESL Researchers
- Clinical Study Designs
- Hypothesis Testing
- P-value Approach (Probability Testing)
- Types of Errors
- Research in Humanities & Social Sciences
- Publishing in Humanities
- Choosing the Right Journal
- Digital Humanities
- Relative Risk and Odds Ratio
- Correlation and Regression Analysis
- Multiplicity Issues
- Survival Analysis
- Open Access Publishing
- Introduction to cOAlition S and Plan S
- Principles, Aims, and Scope of Plan S
- Requirements for OA Journals
- What is image manipulation?
- Best practices for image processing
- Avoiding image manipulation
- Tools for detecting image manipulation
- Importance of Work-Life Balance
- Implications of Work-Life Imbalance
- Research Productivity and Work-Life
- Employers' Role
- Commonly used Statistical Softwares
- Population and sampling
- Types of Graphs
- Survival Analysis
- Grant or Fellowship
- Selecting the Funder
- Reading a Call
- Writing a Good Application
- Systematic and Non-Systematic Reviews
- PRISMA Flowcharts and Checklists
- Parts of a Review Article
- Drafting a Review Article
- Types of OA models and their evolution
- OA Journals and Repositories
- Persistent Identifiers
- Funder Mandates
- ICMJE Guidelines
- Order of Authors
- Ethical Dilemmas
- Authorship Changes – Post-Publication
- Challenges Faced by Researchers
- Enago's Collaborators & Global Presence
- Author Education Services
- Publication Support & Editing Services
- Why and What Authors Need to Cite?
- Methods of Promoting Research
- Digital Media Networking
- Tracking the Progress
- Importance of Data Presentation
- Data Presentation using Tables & Charts
- Data Presentation using Images
- Data Copyright
- The Peer Review Process
- Causes of Rejection
- Reasons Cited in Rejection Letters
- Understanding Reviewers’ Comments
- Citation styles,
- Paraphrasing and Quoting,
- Reference management tools,
- What Goes Into a Reference?...
- Publication stages
- Manuscript preparation
- Avoiding predatory journals
- Ethical Guidelines
- Adhering to the target journal's guidelines
- Submitting to the target journal
- Writing effective titles
- Structuring academic papers
- Research and Publication ethics
- Avoiding ethical dilemmas
- Drafting plagiarism-free manuscripts
- Ethical Guidelines
- Selecting relevant conferences
- Writing abstracts for conferences
- Preparing content for conferences
- Overcoming stage fright
- Assessing the quality of a journal
- Journal metrics
- Copyrights infringement
- Tools for selecting target journal
- 연구 논문의 구성
- 저널을 올바르게 선택하는법
- 논문 제출
- 피어리뷰 프로세스
- 연구 주제 선정 및 논문 작성법
- 연구 논문 구성
- 원고 투고 가이드라인
- 피어리뷰 – 편집위와 피어리뷰어 관점
- 원고 거절되는 유형
- 데스크 리젝션을 대처하는 방법
- 항소 및 반론
- 수정 및 재제출을 위한 효과적인 팁
- 연구에서 주요한 윤리적 문제의 이해
- 연구 부정행위를 방지할 수 있는 팁
- 발전하는 윤리 지침 및 정책에 대한 정보
- 연구 주제 선정 및 논문 작성법
- 연구 논문 구성
- 연구 데이터를 효과적으로 제시하는 법
- 피어리뷰 – 편집위와 피어리뷰어 관점
- 올바른 저널 선택
- 투고할 수 있는 원고 준비
- 윤리적 딜레마 회피
- 온라인 제출 시스템
- 通过实例深入了解高影响因子期刊的要求
- 探索发展性编辑的显著优势
- 为稿件接收做足额外准备
- AI工具在学术界的作用
- 道德伦理考量
- 负责任地使用AI工具
- ChatGPT与人类编辑对比
- 选择目标期刊
- 满足期刊的接收要求
- 消除抄袭的疑虑
- 从审稿人的角度进行评估
- 中国作者常见的语言问题
- 中国作者常见的语言问题
- 学术论文的出版惯例
- 以有限的英语水平清楚地表达的技巧
- 稿件初审的可能结果和应对原则
- 怎样的英语算达标了国际期刊的出版基准线?
- 论文全部是我自己写的,还会有抄袭问题吗?
- 撤稿在什么情况下会发生?是否有规律可循?
- 什么是医学研究报告指引
- 医学领域的TOP6报告指引简介
- 清晰呈现关键信息
- 严格遵循写作规范
- 如何寻找原创研究课题
- 快速定位目标文献的有效搜索策略
- 如何根据期刊指南准备手稿的对应部分
- 论文手稿语言润色实用技巧分享,快速提高论文质量
- 如何寻找原创研究课题
- 快速定位目标文献的有效搜索策略
- 如何根据期刊指南准备手稿的对应部分
- 论文手稿语言润色实用技巧分享,快速提高论文质量
- 医学写作的国际指南
- ICJME的著作权规则
- 出版伦理
- Acknowledging the sources
- Significance of research promotion
- Strategies to boost citations
- Impact of promotional strategies
- 生命伦理学及其原则
- 生命伦理学原则的制定和维护
- 生命科学研究中的伦理问题
- 用来搜索生命伦理学信息的相关资源
- 同行评审
- 同行评审类型
- 应对拒稿
- 在知名期刊上发表文章
- Improving research data quality
- Research data management
- Principles of data sharing and reuse
- Role of AI in data management
- 病例报告发表概况
- 识别正确的期刊
- 如何组织病例报告
- 发表病例报告的学术伦理规范
- 科技社团的基本属性与特征
- 科技社团参与国家治理的内在逻辑
- 科技社团参与公共危机治理的主要路径
- 科技社团参与公共危机治理的能力提升策略
- 为什么作者需要引用?
- 常见的风格指南
- 常见的写作风格错误
- 稿件提交要求
- 扎实的基础:了解您学科领域的文献
- 可靠的研究设计模型
- 高质量的统计数据
- 专业地处理同行评审过程
- Automation through AI
- How AI is Helping Authors
- How AI is Assisting Journal Editors
- Popular AI-based Tools
- How AI can help with better writing
- Trinka Cloud Editor – Key features and tips
- Trinka Auto File Edit – Key features and tips
- Difference between the two features
- Language and Grammar Rules
- Accurate word choice
- Maintaining factual correctness
- Optimizing sentence structure
- Boosting the reviewing process
- Search strategies for locating articles
- Introducing ‘Review Assistant’
- Generating high-quality review reports
- Identifying the right conference
- Designing video presentations
- Handling Q&A professionally
- Tips for virtual networking
- 当前学术出版方案概述
- 研究人员保持科研创造力的建议
- 在流行病研究中维持伦理标准
- 跨出版商COVID-19快速审查计划
- Structure of a Thesis
- How to Write a Thesis Statement
- Role of AI in Academic Writing
- How AI Can Assist Authors
- 学术出版中综述文章的概述和意义
- 不同类型文献综述的比较分析
- 写好系统综述与叙述性综述的技巧
- 整合分析(meta-analysis)的作用
- Role of AI in Academic Publishing
- Benefits to Authors and Publishers
- Introduction to AI tool Trinka
- Improve Manuscript Quality with Trinka
- How to become a good lab manager
- Strategies to manage lab inventories
- Scientific data management
- Good laboratory practice (GLP)
- 摘要撰写技巧
- 摘要类型
- 关键字的用法
- 稿件准备指南
- Choosing research methodology
- Research design and research methodology
- Evidence-based research approach
- How RAxter can assist researchers
- 结果、讨论和结论的主要差异
- 组织学术论文的结构
- 写作时的注意事项
- 手稿起草技巧
- 正确注明引述来源的重要性
- 了解科研推广的重要性
- 了解提高论文引用次数的不同策略
- 衡量所用推广策略的效果
- 预印本的历史
- 预印本的好处
- 预印本的未来
- preLights简介
- 常见的风格指南列表
- MLA, APS和CMS之间的重要区别
- 手稿中的常见错误以及如何避免这些错误
- 给英语非母语的研究人员的建议
- 常用的期刊选择工具
- 施普林格(Springer)期刊选择建议工具
- 爱思唯尔(Elsevier)期刊选择工具
- 学术写作技巧
- 英文文法的应用
- 正确选词
- 正确组织文句结构
- 道德指南
- 常见的道德违规行为
- 研究诚信
- 避免道德困境
- How to avoid plagiarism
- Similarity checking
- iThenticate similarity report
- Publishing with confidence
- 稿件准备指南
- 选择合适的期刊
- 稿件提交指南
- 伦理道德问题
- Common language errors
- Application of English grammar
- Importance of professional editing
- Enago services for ESL researchers
- 研究经费的类型
- 如何阅读和选择基金申请公告
- 如何撰写有力的经费申请书
- 常见的研究资助机会
- 医学出版
- ICMJE推荐指南
- 准备和评估案例报告
- 研究伦理
- 扎实的基础:了解您学科领域的文献
- 可靠的研究设计模型
- 高质量的统计数据
- 专业地处理同行评审过程
- 开放科学——科学的未来
- 开放获取出版
- 开放存储系统和预印本
- 开放同行评审
- 手稿起草技巧
- 稿件提交指南
- 同行评审
- 应对拒稿
- Overview of research ethics
- Major ethical issues
- Drafting plagiarism-free papers
- IPR violation
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