Drafting and publishing a manuscript can be a complicated process, but Enago Learn can simplify it for you. We offer a structured program with 15+ courses that covers various aspects of academic publishing. All our courses have been developed by top publication experts with more than 20 years of experience. These include Managing Editors, Publishers, and Directors of publishing houses like Wiley, Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, Oxford University Press, etc. Enago Learn will help you save valuable time and effort in perfecting your skills and achieving career success.
Know Exactly What Skills are Required to
Write a Great Research Paper
Improve Your Research Profile
Stand out from the crowd by promoting your research through social media, monitoring research indicators, attending conferences, identifying networking opportunities, etc.
Advance Your Skills
Learn to write grant applications, handle rejections, boost your citations, understand OA models, and many more...
Become an Excellent Mentor
Share practical strategies and best practices to help students prepare publication-ready research papers for submission to renowned international journals.
Publish Strategically
Publish smartly by choosing the right journal. Highlight your ORCID profile, meet ethical requirements, and publish in high impact peer-reviewed journals.
Save Your Time
Provide your students with access to our structured guide on academic publishing and train them to effectively manage their time during the entire research journey.
Become an Excellent Mentor
Stand out from the crowd by promoting your research through social media, monitoring research indicators, attending conferences, identifying networking opportunities, etc.
Improve Your Research Profile
Stand out from the crowd by promoting your research through social media, monitoring research indicators, attending conferences, identifying networking opportunities etc.
Publish Strategically
Publish smartly by choosing the right journal. Highlight your ORCID profile, meet ethical requirements, and publish in high impact peer-reviewed journals.
Advance Your Skills
Learn to write grant applications, handle rejections, boost your citations, understand OA models, and many more...
Save Your Time
Provide your students with access to our structured guide on academic publishing and train them to effectively manage their time during the entire research journey.