Medical IMI

Grant Writing Service


Boost your chances of securing funding with a persuasive research grant proposal written by Enago’s team of expert consultants, writers and editors.

Conducting research is a costly affair. With provisions needed for everything from equipment to specialist technical staff to conference travel and publication charges, acquiring financial support in the form of a grant is crucial. Once underway, grants can enable you to expand the scope of your research or even to form new collaborations and develop new research projects.

However, securing research grants can be challenging. Not only is demand high, but the process of writing a grant can be daunting, particularly to new researchers. Whether you’re applying to the state or federal government, a funding agency, or even your own institution, your proposal must be professionally written and sufficiently compelling to convince the reviewer or selection panel to choose you over other worthy applicants.

At Enago,we understand how important it is to secure funding. We also know just how difficult and time consuming writing a grant can be. That is why we offer a comprehensive Grant Writing service to take the pressure off. Our team of expert consultants, writers, and editors can help you with:

  • Putting together a clear, persuasive proposal
  • Reviewing and/or editing the drafts of the proposal written by you
  • Comprehensively evaluating the final written proposal to ensure compliance with all requirements

When it comes to evaluating grant proposals, Enago understands that every industry is unique and comes with its own specific set of requirements. That is why our experts are all industry and subject-area specialists. By using this service, Enago can provide you with the relevant expertise to help give your research grant proposal the best possible chance of securing the funding you seek.

Simply fill out the quotation form and we will get back to you within 1 hour with an accurate price and delivery time.

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