Medical IMI

Journal Submission


Whether it is a doctoral submission or new research, academics face a number of challenges when submitting their work to journals, from complicated formatting and submission instructions to urgent deadlines. Our journal submission experts are skilled in submitting papers to various international journals. When your manuscript is ready for submission, let us complete this tedious process on your behalf.

submission Support

We’ll Submit Your Paper For You

  • Upon receiving payment, we will send a confirmation email with your assignment details
  • We will prepare a submission checklist based on your target journal requirements.
  • Language and grammar are not up to the mark for the peer review process
  • We will also send all the necessary forms (such as authorship, copyright transfer form, etc.) on which your signatures are required, if any.
  • Upon receiving all the necessary information from you, we complete the journal submission process—online or offline.

Advantages Of The Journal Submission Service

  • Enago will provide a smooth and stress-free submission process by taking care of all the time-consuming tasks.
  • We will make sure you’re ready for publication by double-checking the formatting of your manuscript, as per author guidelines for manuscript submission.
  • We complete all the formalities, including filling in the necessary form details, uploading required documentation, and writing a cover letter, if needed.

What Do You Get?

  • Submission Report
  • Cover Letter
  • Your Reviewed Manuscript

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the corresponding author? Should it always be the first author mentioned in my manuscript?

The corresponding author is the one who is the primary point of contact for your manuscript. The journal editor corresponds with him during the submission process. The readers may also contact the corresponding author post-publication. It is not necessary that the corresponding author is always the first author of your manuscript. It can be any author in the author group who is prompt in responding to the journal or readers. For more information, please refer to the link

When can I expect a response from the journal once the journal submission is complete?

The journal ideally should send you an acknowledgement receipt for your submitted manuscript on the same day. The decision time taken for publication varies from journal to journal. Ideally, it should be within three months from the date of submission. Some journals have a faster peer-review process, in such a case you would receive a response within 2 to 4 weeks.

What are the usual reasons for rejection?

Manuscripts are usually rejected based on several reasons like aim and scope mismatch, quality of research, novelty of the study, plagiarism, inadequate data and techniques presented, insufficient sample size to support the findings, and also due to large volumes of manuscripts being received by the journal. This makes the journal unable to accommodate any further manuscripts for review.

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