MFA Poetry & Creative Writing 15+ years’ experienceUnited States
Areas of expertise
Literature, Poetry, Creative Writing, Playwriting
MFA, Poetry Creative Writing
Peer-review experience
“A Defense of Writing Prompts: In Reply to Dan Beachy-Quick.” Tupelo Press website.
“Traffic.” WNIN, Evansville, IN National Public Radio affiliate. Aired 12/12/07. (Radio Essay)
“Driven Sane.” WNIN, Evansville, IN National Public Radio affiliate. Aired 12/7/06. (Radio essay)
“Ice Storm.” WNIN, Evansville, IN National Public Radio affiliate. Aired 2/12/09. (Radio Essay)
“Original Syntax: Rhythm versus Meter in Modern and Contemporary Poetry. 9/3/2008. University of Evansville.” (Lecture)
“Reigniting the Stars.” The Northwest Arkansas Times May 31, 1998: C. (Review)
“The Abattoirs of Ashkelane.” Juked. December 19, 2015.
“A Spell of Patches.” Unbroken. January 2018.
Measure: A Review of Formal Poetry
Certificates and awards