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Journal Submission

Journal Submission Service

Advantages of Enago Journal Submission service

  • Ensure full compliance with journal submission guidelines.
  • Experts will prepare all supplementary documents, declarations, and forms, and handle online registration, form filling, and document uploads.
  • Track manuscript submission status and assist you to communicate with the journal.
  • Offer resubmission support to the same journal within 365 days.

Prepare submission documents

  • Write a persuasive cover letter tailored to your target journal.
  • Review your manuscript for compliance with journal submission guidelines. If major changes are needed, we'll guide you through the necessary steps to make it submission-ready.
  • Prepare and list required supplementary documents (e.g., authorship statement, copyright transfer form, ethical declaration etc.)

Assist the submission process

We will assist you with the online or postal journal submission process and provide a confirmation file upon successful submission. You will receive:

Continuous Support after Submission

We will track your manuscript submission status, keep you informed of journal communications, and assist with editor requests. This includes resubmitting revised manuscripts up to three times within 365 days after the initial submission, ensuring a smooth path to journal paper publication.

Delivery and Pricing

Turnaround TimePrice
3 business days$153

*For end-to-end journal submission support, please consider using Full Support or Easy-Go pack.

Client Testimonials


What is Manuscript Submission Assistance Service?


Manuscript Submission Assistance streamlines your journal submission process. We create a pre-submission checklist based on your target journal's requirements and provide all necessary forms. Our experts ensure your manuscript adheres to the journal's formatting guidelines. We compile all required documents into a consolidated PDF for your approval and complete the submission once approved, providing a detailed report with submission details.

What information do I need to provide when ordering Journal Submission Service?

  1. Please upload your research manuscript (including images, tables, and charts) when you place the order. If you are ordering Journal Submission Service as a stand-along service, please submit an edited and formatted manuscript. 
  2. The title and URL of your target journal, with link to its submission guidelines. 

Can there be two corresponding authors for a single manuscript?


The corresponding author is the point of contact for your research paper and is responsible for responding to all requests from the journal during the submission process.  After the paper is published, the corresponding author may also receive correspondences from readers. The corresponding author could be a different person from the first author, but is generally the lead researcher. For more information, please visit ICMJE “Defining the Role of Authors and Contributors.” 

Should the account on the submission system be registered in the name of the corresponding author?


Usually yes, the corresponding author's name should be on the submission system account. They handle communication, manage submissions, and interact with reviewers. However, guidelines may vary, so it's important to follow the specific instructions of the journal or conference to ensure a seamless submission process.

Is a Running title/Running head/Short Title necessary for manuscript submission?


Whether a running title, running head, or short title is necessary for manuscript submission depends on the specific guidelines of the journal or publication to which you are submitting your manuscript. Different journals have their own formatting and style requirements, and these can vary widely. Always refer to the target journal's author guidelines to determine if a running title is required.

I received a "Resubmission Invited" email from the journal. What should I do next?


"Resubmission Invited" means the journal sees potential in your manuscript but requires revisions. Review the reviewers' comments, revise your manuscript accordingly, and prepare a detailed response to each comment before resubmitting for further consideration.

How will I know the status of my submitted manuscript?


As part of our after-sales support for Journal Submission Service, we regularly check the status of your submitted manuscript and provide timely updates to keep you informed throughout the publication process.

What support do I need after my manuscript is accepted by a journal?


After journal acceptance, you could consider Research Impact services such as Graphical Abstracts, Video Abstracts, and Journal Cover Art. Our submission experts can also assist in creating email drafts to help you communicate with the journal's editorial and production teams.

What if I need comprehensive support that will take care of the entire publication journey?


The Advanced Editing Full Support Pack offers comprehensive support for your entire publication journey. In addition to Journal Submission, this package offers Journal Selection, Manuscript Editing, and more. We recommend 3-5 relevant journals, perform detailed plagiarism checks, and provide a meticulous technical review of your research by PhD experts. Our experienced editors will revise your manuscript's language, grammar, and structure, and format figures, charts, and tables according to journal guidelines. 

How does Manuscript Submission Service help reduce the chances of rejection?


Manuscript Submission Service helps reduce rejection chances by ensuring compliance with journal guidelines and formatting requirements. Submission experts review your manuscript for alignment with the journal's specific criteria, minimizing the risk of rejection due to non-compliance or missing documents.

Who should be the corresponding author? Does it have to be the first author mentioned in my manuscript?


The corresponding author is the point of contact for your research paper and is responsible for responding to all requests from the journal during the submission process.  After the paper is published, the corresponding author may also receive correspondences from readers. The corresponding author could be a different person from the first author, but is generally the lead researcher. For more information, please visit ICMJE “Defining the Role of Authors and Contributors.” 

What is ORCiD, and how can I create one?


ORCiD is a unique 16-digit alphanumeric identifier that sets you apart from other researchers with similar names. It helps link your work specifically to you. To create an ORCiD:

Visit the website

Fill in the required information, and the system will generate your 16-digit alphanumeric ORCiD.

Keep your ORCiD and password handy because you can use the same ID for multiple journals.

Please note that it's recommended not to create more than one ORCiD for a single person. 

When can I expect a response from journal once the journal submission is complete?


The journal generally will send you a confirmation for your submitted manuscript on the same day. The decision time varies from journal to journal. Ideally, it should be within three months from the date of submission. Some journals have a faster peer-review process and might reach a decision within 2 to 4 weeks.

Can I submit my manuscript in preprint before journal submission?


Yes, you can submit your manuscript as a preprint before journal submission. However, check your target journal's policies on preprints as some journals have specific requirements or restrictions regarding preprint submissions.

Do you offer re-submission assistance?


Yes, we offer re-submission assistance. Our submission experts help you navigate the re-submission process by addressing reviewers' comments and ensuring your revised manuscript meets the journal's requirements for a smooth re-submission.

Can a submission expert assist me with returned submissions?


Yes, our submission experts can assist you if your manuscript is returned for corrections or revisions. They will help you address the journal's comments and guide you through the resubmission process to ensure your manuscript meets the journal's requirements.

Can you pay Journal Publication Fee on my behalf?


Yes, we can assist with the payment of the journal's publication fee (APC). Contact us at for more details on the process.

How should a deceased author be indicated in a manuscript?


Inclusion of the name of the deceased author depends on various publishing factors. You can refer to the cases under COPE guidelines OR you can raise the issue with  COPE Forum to get the correct guidance.