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What is the
conference about?
Research and higher education is an essential part of the fabric of our ecosystem. The conference brings together high-profile experts from various backgrounds who will share their insights into what the future might entail.
- Nobel Laureate Sir Richard Roberts discusses the path to a Nobel Prize and what future field-changing research will mean for today’s researcher.
- Learn how Harvard University has managed to run its Research Office during the pandemic – a case study from the world’s top university by Ara Tahmassian, Chief Research Compliance Officer, Harvard University.
- Founder & CEO of QS Quacquarelli Symonds, Nunzio Quacquarelli, speaks about the future of higher education by 2022 and what a post-COVID education world might look like.
- Learn about the future of Open Science and Collaborations by Mr. Philip Terheggen, Managing Director, Journals, Elsevier.
- Listen to Judy Verses, Executive Vice President – Research for Wiley speak about the changes to expect in research collaborations and research ecosystem.
Tuesday - Wednesday
17 - 18 November, 2020
Keynote by
Nobel Laureate
Sir Richard J Roberts
our speakers
Sir Richard J. Roberts
Sir Richard J. Roberts was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1993 for the discovery of introns in eukaryotic DNA and the mechanism of gene-splicing.
Ara Tahmassian
Philippe Terheggen
Daniel Ebneter
Judy Verses
Claire Chen
Sarah Tegen
Mathias Astell
Sarah Greaves
Session 1: Keynote Speech on “The Path to a Nobel Prize”
Best Suited For: Researchers (all levels), Academic professionals
Speaker/s: Nobel Laureate Sir Richard J. Roberts
Moderator: Tony O-Rourke, Enago
Session 2: What does higher education look like in 2022?
o Financial Impact
o Social Impact
o Research Evaluation
o Globalization
o University Rankings
Best Suited For: University Management, University Research Administrators, Research Program Managers, Library Managers
Speaker/s: Nunzio Quacquarelli
Moderator: Darrel Gunter, Enago
Session 3: The Future of Scholarly Publishing—How can research boost economy and influence policy making
o For Research Institutions (Global Open Science Partnerships)
o For Researchers (Collaborations, Rapid Reviews, and More)
Best Suited For: Research Institution Heads, Publishing Professionals, Open Science Advocates, University Management, University Research Administrators, Research Program Managers, Library Managers
Speaker/s: Philippe Terheggen, MD, STM Journals, Elsevier
Moderator: Tony O-Rourke, Enago
Session 4: Future of publishing technology: Focus on 3 A’s—automation, artificial technology, access
Best Suited For: Publishing Professionals, Scientific Societies, Journal Managers, Scholarly AI Product Specialists, ML Experts
Speaker/s: Daniel Ebneter, CEO, Karger Publishers
Matthias Astell, Chief Marketing Officer, Hindawi
Moderator: Darrel Gunter, Enago
Session 1: University research offices can secure the future of research compliance, grants, and funding. Find out how.
Speaker/s: Claire Chen, Tahmassian Ara
Moderator: Tony O'Rourke, Enago
Session 2: What does the future of scholarly peer review look like?
Best Suited For: Researchers (all levels), Academic Professionals, Journal Management, Scientific Societies
Speaker/s: Sarah Tegen
Moderator: Darrel Gunter, Enago
Session 3: Future of research sustainability: What changes should we expect in research collaborations and research ecosystem?
o Faculty grants
o Tricks for a successful grant proposal
o Where do researchers from developing countries stand
Best Suited For: Researchers (all levels), University Faculty Members, Funders, Research Sponsors, Grant Bodies,
Speaker/s: Judy Verses, Executive Vice President, Research, Wiley
Moderator: Tony O-Rourke, Enago
Session 4: Simple tips on how you can become the BEST science communicator!
Speaker/s: Sarah Greaves
Moderator: Darrel Gunter, Enago