Official Enago portal for the Medizinische Universität Innsbruck

Increase Your Chances of Publication Success with Enago’s Author Services

Publishing a manuscript can be a complicated process, but Enago can simplify it for you. We offer high-quality editing by native English-speaking subject experts to enhance your chances of publication success. Our experts will assist you at each stage of your publication journey and ensure that your manuscript adheres to your desired journal's guidelines. You can leverage the benefits provided by Enago's end-to-end author support services in order to save valuable time and effort and get published in international journals. Getting published in high-impact factor journals will also help increase your university’s research output and impact.


Researchers and faculty staff can choose from 2 levels of editing services


Enago’s Copyediting service is designed for researchers who require a 100% Language Accuracy on their manuscripts. This two-stage process, carried out by an expert editor and proofreader, covers everything from spelling and grammar to accuracy, including adherence to journal guidelines.

$0.055 USD

Substantive Editing

Substantive Editing, Enago’s premium service, focuses both on the English language and on overall presentation, logical flow and structure. It is matched with our highest ranking and most experienced academic editors, and offers additional quality assurances including 365 days unlimited editing.

$0.075 USD


Fill out our quote form, and we’ll get back to you within an hour.


End-to-end support by Enago to make your manuscript ready for publication.


Submit for Editing

Researcher submits manuscript for editing


Edit and Deliver

Enago edits and delivers paper to researcher


Author Review

Researcher reviews file & discusses under Enago’s Q&A service


Author ↔ Editor Q&A

Enago edits as required & delivers publication-ready manuscript


Submit to Journal

Researcher submits manuscript to journal


Reviewer’s Response

Researcher receives reviewer comment


Unlimited Editing

Researcher submits any edits to Enago under manuscript insurance


Submission Ready

Enago edits and delivers publication-ready manuscript


Enago’s academic publication support packages offer timely assistance every step of the way. From helping you select the right journal to assisting you in writing a compelling cover letter.

Easy Go Package

This budget package covers:

  • Ensuring language accuracy, presentation, logical flow, and structure
  • Reducing word count to match journal-specified limits
  • Matching journal-formatting guidelines
  • Crafting a compelling cover letter
  • Editing images to match journal specifications
  • Submitting your paper to the journal on your behalf
  • Re-editing paper in line with reviewer’s feedback

Full Support Package

This premium package covers:

  • Recommending the top 5 appropriate journals
  • Providing expert pre-submission peer review
  • Ensuring language accuracy, presentation, logical flow, and structure
  • Reducing word count to match journal-specified limits
  • Matching journal-formatting guidelines
  • Crafting a compelling cover letter
  • Editing images to match journal specifications
  • Submitting your paper to the journal on your behalf
  • Re-editing paper in line with reviewer’s feedback
Select your support package

Fill out our quote form, and we’ll get back to you within an hour.

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