Abstract Writing Service
Create a great first impression by having a compelling abstract.
Researchers spend countless hours ensuring their work has been conducted with great attention to detail and precision, making sure that all methods and new advancements have been explored, and that every minute observation has been captured throughout their experiment.
So when it is time to publish your work, how do you condense your research into a short article that meets the stringent guidelines of the Journal without losing necessary information?
Enago has launched our Abstract Writing Service to help you. This service will summarize your manuscript in its entirety without losing the important knowledge and impact of your work. Our service will ensure the logical flow of information while making the information easier to read for a variety of audiences. Your abstract will also contain powerful keywords to optimize your search results in databases.

Key features of our Abstract Writing Service
- Expertise of PhDs who specialize in top-tier journals
- Extensive usage of keywords and search terms
- Proofreading by native language experts
- Optimized for high ranking in Google search results
- 2 rounds of revision support (limited to 30% of the word count)
Getting started with this service is easy!
We offer you quick turnaround times while writing an abstract to help you reach your goals faster. We have the required domain experience in multiple subjects to deal with your abstract writing requirements.
What we need from you
- The most recent version of your manuscript
- Supporting figures, tables and charts
- Your chosen target Journal
What you receive
- A Word documents (.docx) of your abstract
- A list of the relevant keywords used
Your Abstract will Include:
On completion of this service, you will receive a short and succinct but powerful abstract that characterizes your research and its importance.
- Reason and need for the research study
- Significance of the research
- Study design
- Methodology and techniques used
- Key findings

Rejected Paper Editing
Do you have a rejected research manuscript lying in your drawer? Perhaps you struggled with responding to peer reviewers' comments and eventually just gave up… If you wish to give your rejected paper a second chance, send us your revised manuscript and the journal letter with reviewer comments, and we will help you address the issues and prepare your manuscript for a new submission.
You can use this service to prepare your manuscript for
- Resubmission to the same journal
- Submission to a new journal
Rejected Paper Editing Service
Who needs this service?
Enago Revised/Rejected Paper Editing service is designed for you if
- You have a paper that has been reviewed by journal peer reviewers.
- You have a journal letter with reviewer comments. It does not matter if the decision was rejection or major revision.
- You have revised your manuscript according to these reviewer comments.
- If you intend to submit to the same journal, you have prepared a reply to reviewer letter.
How can we help you publish a revised manuscript?
- Two rounds of Substantive Editing by two PhD/Masters experts specializing in your research field
- They will ensure that your revised manuscript has fully addressed the issues raised by the reviewers,
- Edit your reply to reviewer letter to ensure all questions are adequately answered, and
- Provide a new cover letter that highlights the improvements you have made in the revised manuscript.
Two rounds of editing
First round of editing
We will conduct Substantive Editing on your revised manuscript, with a special focus on whether reviewer comments have been adequately addressed in the revision. We also provide:
- Journal formatting. If you are submitting to a new journal, we will do a complete re-formatting.
- Editing your reply to reviewer letter.
- Write a new cover letter tailored to the target journal.
Author review
You can review the edited manuscript and check the comments made by the editors. You could clarify any doubt the editors might have had, and request further revisions.
Second round of editing
We will review your comments and edit the manuscript, cover letter, and reply to reviewer letter accordingly.
We deliver
- An edited manuscript, ready for re-submission
- A customized cover letter that addresses the changes made in the manuscript
- An edited reply to reviewer letter
- Certificate of Editing
- Revised/Rejected Paper Editing Report
Continuous support through your new journal submission
With Revised/Rejected Paper Editing, you get Enago's value-added after sales service Rejection Shield FOR FREE! We will stay with you through the journal revision process. Within 365 days after delivery, we support:
- Unlimited times of re-editing, including up to 30% new content
- Editing your reply to reviewer letter
- Reformatting your manuscript (allowing changes of journals)
- New cover letter