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Revised/Rejected Paper Editing

Revised/Rejected Paper Editing Service

Who needs this service?

This service is designed for you if:

  • Your paper has been reviewed by journal peer reviewers.
  • You have a journal letter with reviewer comments, regardless of whether the decision was rejection or major revision.
  • You have revised your manuscript according to the reviewer comments.
  • If resubmitting to the same journal, you have prepared a response to reviewer letter.

Comprehensive Editing Support for Resubmission

  • Two Rounds of Substantive Editing: Conducted by two PhD/Masters experts specializing in your research field.
  • Address Reviewer Comments: Ensure your revised manuscript fully addresses the issues raised by reviewers.
  • Edit Response to Reviewers: Improve your response letter to ensure all questions are adequately answered.
  • New Cover Letter: Provide a cover letter highlighting the improvements made in the revised manuscript.

Two rounds of editing

First Round of Editing

  • Conduct Substantive Editing on your revised manuscript, focusing on whether reviewer comments have been adequately addressed.
  • Journal formatting: Complete re-formatting if submitting to a new journal.
  • Edit your response to reviewer letter.
  • Write a new cover letter tailored to the target journal.

Author review

  • Review the edited manuscript and check the comments made by our editors.
  • Clarify any doubts the editors might have had and request further revisions.

Second Round of Editing

  • Review your comments and edit the manuscript, cover letter, and reply to reviewer letter accordingly.

We deliver

  • An edited manuscript, ready for re-submission
  • A customized cover letter addressing changes made
  • An edited response to reviewer letter
  • Certificate of Editing
  • Revised/Rejected Paper Editing Report

Continuous support through your new journal submission

With Revised/Rejected Paper Editing, you get our comprehensive journal revision support Rejection Shield FOR FREE! We will support you throughout the journal revision process. Within 365 days after delivery, we offer:

  • Unlimited times of re-editing, covering up to 30% new content
  • Editing your response to reviewer letter
  • Reformatting your manuscript for different journals
  • Crafting a new cover letter

Delivery And Pricing

Word CountRound 1 DeadlineAuthor Check DeadlineRound 2 DeadlinePrice/word
0-3000 words3 business days2 business days2 business days$0.13
3001-5000 words4-5 business days2 business days2 business days$0.13
5001-10000 words6-8 business days3 business days3 business days$0.13
10001-12000 words9 business days4 business days4 business days$0.13
above 12,001 wordsOn Request$0.13

Customer Testimonials


What is the difference between Revised/Rejected Paper Editing and Substantive Editing/Copy Editing??


Revised/Rejected Paper Editing is designed for papers that have been returned by journals. After a thorough review of the peer reviewer comments stated in the journal letter, Enago editors will edit the revised manuscript while checking that all issues raised by the reviewers have been adequately addressed. They will also edit your point-by-point rebuttals in the reply to reviewer letter. 

If you have a fresh paper, please consider Enago Substantive Editing, which has a value-added after sales service Rejection Shield that covers journal revisions against reviewer comments. However, additional content is limited to 30% and revisions limited to 20%. Revised/Rejected Paper Editing has no such limit. Copy Editing does not provide Rejection Shield. 

Can you submit my revised paper to the journal for me?


Revised/Rejected Paper Editing does not include assistance of the journal submission process. You may order Journal Submission when placing the order to save you time and effort in the process.

Can you help me write the reply to reviewer letter?


Our editors can help you strengthen and clarify your responses in the reply to reviewer letter so that they fully answer reviewers' questions. However, we cannot write the response letter directly for you, as it pertains to your research. 

Does Revised/Rejected Paper Editing Guarantee Journal Acceptance?


No legitimate author service guarantees the publication of the paper. Journal decision depends on factors including the quality and significance of the research, the subjective judgment of the reviewers and editors, and the amount of submitted manuscripts to the journal. However, our editing and publishing experts can help authors revise their paper to approach journal standards and reviewer expectation, and greatly improves the chances of successful publication.